Chapter 19: New (Year's) Resolutions

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Harlan: EDA!

Harlan reaches the door. He gets up and pounds on the small glass window.


Eda walks away from the door then stops. She drops the bag and runs to Harlan.

Harlan: Eda please, open the door.

Eda: I can't let you do this to yourself.


Eda: THIS IS MY CHOICE, HARLAN! This is who I am.

Eda looks at Harlan.

Eda: I see who you are. I see you. You are a man who's been through so much. You have lost so many people your whole life that you lost yourself. You lost yourself without you even knowing. But this is not what they died for. Clair, Audrey and May... they didn't die to let you kill yourself here. On a battlefield. They died to give you a chance. A chance to one day maybe be able to live who you are meant to be. To go on, to continue your story, and find yourself again.

Eda wipes a tear from her face as she presses her hand on the glass. Harlan does the same and starts crying.

Harlan: Eda-

Eda: Don't. It's not your fault. You will not let me die in vain. My death will mean something to you. I want you to promise me something. Promise me you will do something after all this.

Harlan: What?

Eda smiles.

Eda: Forgive yourself... and make things right... with her.

Eda: Jasmine.

Harlan looks at Eda, and tearfully nods yes. Eda nods before walking away from the door, picking up the bag... but she doesn't move. She turns to face Harlan one last time.

Eda: Thank you... for everything you were to me.

And with that, Eda runs away, out of Harlan's life.

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