Chapter 7: The Secret Factory

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Eda: According to Lila, the penthouse is located on the eleventh floor of the building.

Harlan and Eda stakeout inside Harlan's van, outside the building housing Baxter's penthouse.

Eda: If what Lila said is true, the house should be empty now and we should be able to get in easily and get out unnoticed and easily.

Harlan opens the glove compartment and pulls out a gun.

Harlan: You know how to use one of these?

Eda looks at the gun, then disgustedly at Harlan.

Harlan: What? Gotta be prepared.

Eda sighs. She grabs the gun.

Harlan: Alright... here's the safety.

Eda disengages the safety.

Harlan: Pull the top back to load the barrel-

Eda: Harlan... I've seen movies.

Harlan: Movies and in real life are different.

Eda: Yeah but the guys I've seen... they've trained with REAL guns alright?

Harlan sighs. Her funeral then.

Harlan: Come on, let's go.

Harlan loads his gun, puts on a sling bag, then gets out of the van, and Eda follows, with a bag. The two walk into the building and ride the elevator. Harlan presses a button on the elevator reading "11" and another reading "23"

Eda: Twenty-three? What are gonna do in twenty-three?

Harlan: You asked me why we needed what's in the bag right?

Eda: Yeah, why do we need the ropes and grappling hook?

Harlan: I need you first to go to the roof, and secure our emergency exit, should our normal exit plan get compromised. And do take the stairs when coming down.

Eda: Got it, boss.

The elevator stops at the eleventh floor and Harlan steps out. He watches as Eda waves at him while the elevator door closes, bringing her to the twenty-third floor. Harlan then twists the crown of his watch which and shuts down all security features on the eleventh floor. Harlan gets his flashlight and turns it on and walks around looking for a computer. Eventually, Harlan finds Baxter's office room and a computer.

Harlan: Bingo.

Harlan walks in the office and boots up the computer. But as he turns it on, the computer demands a password.

Suddenly, a breaking sound. Harlan takes out his gun and aims it at the door.

Eda: Sorry... that was me.

Harlan sighs as Eda walks in the office.

Eda: You got something?

Harlan: This computer needs a password. You got it?

Eda: Here, let me try.

Eda walks to the computer, and types in "lila1215" and it works.

Eda: Alright, we're in.

Harlan takes a hard drive from his pocket and plugs it in the computer.

Harlan: Upload the files, I'll take a look around.

Eda nods and starts uploading the files. Harlan gets his flashlight and starts looking around. Harlan looks at the furnitures, the books, and everything inside the penthouse trying to look for anything unusual. As he walks, he suddenly steps on something. Harlan looks down to see a broken ceramic vase. Harlan sighs.

Harlan: Damn it.

Harlan is about to walk off when... he notices something. Harlan bends down to inspect the broken ceramic pieces to find... a key. Harlan picks it up and inspects it. Harlan looks around the room, then presses his feet to the ground, then grins. Harlan grabs a glass before walking back to the office room.

Eda: Hey, I'm close to finishing the up-

Harlan doesn't listen. Instead, he puts the glass on the floor, and he and Eda watches as the glass, instead of staying still, rolls to the bookshelves behind Baxter's desk. It rolls faster and faster until it hits the shelves and stops. Eda then grabs a pen and puts it on the floor and it rolls down also.

Eda: Weird.

Harlan: So either the floor is really uneven...

Harlan walks to the table, and finds a drawer with a keyhole. Harlan puts the key in, and turns the key, and unlocks the drawer. Inside the drawer is a keypad asking for a four digit code. Harlan get his watch, and uses it to shoot some type of fog on the keys before switching his flashlight from normal LED light, to UV light. Suddenly, finger prints appear on the numbers 245.

Harlan thinks for a moment before pressing... 5... 4... 5... 2, a combination Eda understands.

Eda: L. I. L. A. Lila.

The code is correct. Suddenly, the bookshelf behind them opens up, revealing a secret door.

Harlan: Or there's a secret door.

Inside the secret room, Harlan and Eda hear mechanical noises. Harlan and Eda nod at each other and Harlan takes out his gun before going in, with Eda following him.

Harlan and Eda slowly descend deeper and deeper down, the mechanical noise getting louder and stronger with each step. Eventually, they reach a large metal door, unlocked. Harlan signals Eda before slowly opening the door... and inside: light.

Harlan and Eda open the door and step in the room, stepping on a catwalk above machines. Multiple machines all producing the same things: blue and green serums.

Eda: Oh my god.

Harlan and Eda walk down to see the serums being put inside vials just like the ones they found in Lila's home. Harlan gets a vial of a green serum and examines it.

Eda: They're mass producing it... but why?

Harlan looks at it one last time before stuffing it in his sling bag. He grabs a blue one as well and as he stuffs it in the bag, he takes out packs C4's.

Harlan: We can't let SERPENT take this. We have to destroy it. Place these around.

Harlan hands Eda some of the explosives and they start planting them around the machines. Once it is done, Harlan and Eda walk back up to the catwalk, and Harlan gets the remote detonator. Harlan looks back at the open door.

Harlan: This place is about to blow. Get out of here and-

Suddenly, a grappling hook and wire shoot past Harlan and Eda, and to the door. The wire is then pulled and the door is slammed shut. Eda runs to the door but it is locked. Before Harlan could pull out his gun, Eda watches as a blond woman slams herself into Harlan and the two get thrown off the catwalk and down to the factory level.


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