Chapter 18: Violent Night, Bloody Fight

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Harlan: I'm sorry about your dad.

Eda nods.

Eda: Move on, nothing we can do about it. So, same plan?

Harlan: Yeah, blow this place to the ground.

Eda: Downstairs.

Harlan: Elevators are down.

Eda: Better start moving.

Harlan and Eda run out. As soon as the door shuts, Thena wakes up. She makes her way to Chase' desk, and slams a hidden button.



Harlan and Eda look at each other. They look at the stairs. The only one around. Harlan looks down to see agents rushing up.

Harlan: Fuck.

Harlan turns to Eda. Eda nods, and Harlan nods back.

Harlan loads his gun.

Harlan charges down the stairs, and Eda slowly follows. As the agent approaches, Harlan starts shooting. He shoots an agent, and as the agents start shooting at him, he uses the shot agent as a shield. He continues shooting more agents until his pistol runs out of ammo. Harlan grabs a pistol in the agent's holster.

Harlan: EDA!

Harlan drops the pistol behind him. Eda picks it up, loads it, then aims. She starts shooting agents one by one. Harlan meanwhile starts using the riffle of the agent and shoots multiple agents in huge numbers.

One by one, slowly, guns after guns, Harlan and Eda take down the SERPENT agents, slowly making it down the stairs. Eda, who was unsure and whos aim was off, shot by shot was getting the hang of it more. Balance getting more steady and grip more comfortable and easy. The two agents take down the agents one by one, the agents decreasing by number until finally, as Harlan and Eda reach the lowest level, they look around to see the bloodbath they made. Harlan wipes his hands on his shirt, before noticing how bloody he is now. He turns to Eda to see Eda clean.

Harlan: You good?

Eda nods.

Eda: Yeah.

Harlan and Eda nod before walking into the door to the pipelines.

Harlan and Eda explore the hot steaming room filled with pipes for different kinds of stuff. Water, air, gas, and many more.

Harlan: We gotta increase the pressure of the gas!

Eda finds a pipe for the gas, and follows it. Harlan slowly follows her. Eda then finds a room containing giant tanks containing the gas. Eda starts to open the door but then gunshots. Harlan pushes Eda's head down and ducks to dodge the bullets. Harlan and Eda take cover as Robbie and Thena slowly approach.

Robbie: Come out come out wherever you are.

Harlan takes out his pistol to check the load, to see it is empty.

Robbie: Tell you what...

Robbie shoots his gun until it runs out of ammo. He then drops the gun. Thena smiles and drops her gun.

Robbie: Let's do this the old-fashioned way.

Harlan nods, then turns to Eda.

Harlan: Get the door, I'll be right behind you.

Eda: Harlan wait-

Too late, Harlan gets up and leaves Eda.

Harlan slowly approaches Robbie and Thena. The three stop at a small distance before engaging in a brutal fight.

Harlan tries to fight off the couple, but his beaten and lone self couldn't take on the more energized and paired duo. For every hit Harlan gets on one of them, they return two to him. Harlan tries to fight them but he can't. He tries to punch Thena but Thena dodges it, punches him at the back, and Robbie throws him at a tank.

Eda feels the tank shake from the other side as Harlan hits the tank. Two small metal poles fall from the tank and down in front of Eda. Eda peeks to see Harlan, beaten and defeated. Harlan unstraps his watch and tries to crawl away from them but Robbie shoots a grappling hook from his cybernetic hand and it impales Harlan to the ground. Robbie pins Harlan to the ground and Thena picks up her gun and walks to Harlan.

Robbie: Goodbye, asshole.

Thena is about to shoot. Harlan braces for impact when DANG!

A metal pole hits Thena's head. Thena shoots the gun but it misses Harlan by an inch. Thena turns and Eda slams herself into Thena. Robbie turns back to face Harlan and sees Harlan holding his watch in one hand. He presses the watch and it glows blue.

Robbie: NO!

The watch sends out an EMP, deactivating Robbie's arm for a while. Harlan pulls out the hook and he fights Robbie with everything he's got. Thena knee-kicks Eda and punches her down. Eda tries to grab the poles but Thena kicks it away. She turns to see Harlan pin Robbie to the wall as Harlan punches him over and over again. Robbie's arm comes back online and he uses it to catch one of Harlan's punches. Harlan looks at the arm and sees through the reflection of the knuckles, Thena behind him, gun pointed. Thinking fast, Harlan grabs Robbie, spins around and BANG!


Harlan takes a deep breath in... and a deep breath out. His grip on Robbie loosens and he falls to the ground weak, and he closes his eyes, Robbie still up.

Thena slowly walks to Robbie smiling, but as she turns to face her husband, blood spills out his body. Thena notices Harlan supporting Robbie's dead body up and as she looks down, Harlan throws Robbie's body at her, before going for her arm. The two of them get to the ground, Harlan slowly pushing Thena's gun at Thena, but Thena, full of rage, pushes it at Harlan. The gun is slowly getting closer and closer to Harlan, Thena ready to shoot, when Eda comes and hits the back of her head really hard with a pole, knocking Thena out.

Harlan picks up Thena's gun and Eda helps him up. The two of them look at the defeated couple. Harlan looks at Thena's body, thinking if he should. Whether he should eliminate her on the spot there and then. But no. Harlan decides otherwise.

Harlan gasps as his arm is in pain. Eda catches him and notices he is bleeding.

Eda: We need help.

Harlan: NO! I gotta finish the job.

Eda: I?

Harlan: Listen, I can't go on. I'm staying.

Eda: WHAT?

Harlan: I alerted T.H.E.P.A., they're on their way. Tell them what happened. I'm gonna blow this place to the ground.

Eda turns to the backpack containing weapons, then she turns back to Harlan.

Eda: No.

Eda runs, grabs the backpack. Harlan loses his balance and falls.

Harlan: EDA NO!

He tries crawling to her as fast as he can, but Eda is faster. She grabs the bag, opens the door to the room containing the gas tanks, and shuts it close, locking her inside.

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