Chapter 16: Secret Break In

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A violent shake woke Eda up. Eda sat up on the passenger's seat in the car. She turned to Harlan, who was driving and hasn't said a word the whole car ride since the plane. Eda could see a highly secured base as Harlan stopped the car. The agent unfastened his seatbelt and stepped out the car, and Eda followed him.

Eda watches as Harlan opens the trunk of the car to take out equipment boxes. They open it and see a wide variety of gadgets and spy gears. Harlan first takes out two backpacks and hands one to Eda. Eda holds the backpack as Harlan puts in two gas masks, a green laptop, two grappling guns, two parachutes, and zips close the backpack. As she puts it on, Eda watches Harlan get pistols and magazines and put them in his holsters, before putting more weapons in his bag. Once he is done, Harlan gets a pair of binoculars and looks at the base ahead.

Eda: So, that's it?

Harlan: Yeah. You know the plan well?

Eda: Yeah. Sneak in, find my Dad, sneak out, then new identities and new lives.

Harlan nods, and he lowers his binoculars and looks at Eda.

Harlan: You sure you're okay with that?

Eda: Yeah.

Harlan: You know... new identities, new life... it's not a good life.

Eda: I know.

Harlan takes a breath.

Harlan: You don't have to do this, you know.

Eda nods.

Eda: I just don't have it in me. To turn away from all this, I just can't.

Harlan nods, puts on his suspenders, and his coat.

Harlan: Alright, we go on foot.

Harlan puts on the backpack and Eda follows. They reach the walls of the base. Eda lowers the bag and gets the grappling guns. Harlan and Eda take one each.

Harlan: Aim... and SHOOT!

Eda shoots her grappling gun and it attaches itself to the wall. Harlan shoots his, and they both grapple up. They then get down to the surface and Harlan takes out two IDs and glasses and hands one of each to Eda. They approach a door with an ID scanner by the door. Harlan scans his, and it accepts and opens the door.

Harlan: Thank you, Char.

Harlan turns to Eda who tosses a folder with papers from the backpack. Harlan catches it and puts on his glasses. Eda holds on to the green laptop and Eda sticks a small device on the scanner as the two of them walk in.

The two outsiders enter SERPENT's Headquarters. Many agents walk in suits with files and gadgets. Harlan and Eda keep their heads down.

Harlan: Building layout?

Eda opens the laptop and it shows the building's layout.

Eda: Server room's this way.

Eda takes the lead and Harlan follows her. They walk down hallways and agents until they reach a metal door. Harlan opens it and the two rush in the server room.

As Harlan takes off his coat, Eda plugs in a USB inside a USB port in the computer. Eda hands the laptop to Harlan and Harlan uses it to search for one person in the base.

Cletus Clement.

The laptop searches within the database and finds Cletus' location.

Harlan: Found him. Detention level 1, cell 123.

Harlan snaps the laptop in half, and Eda takes off her watch, adjusts the crown before pressing it and leaving it under one of the computers, and running out the room with the agent.

Harlan and Eda walk back out to the hallway, and look at the door and Harlan breaks the doorknob off. The two then look around for an elevator and as they find one, they board it. Harlan scans his ID in the elevator and presses the button labeled D1.

After a minute or two, the door opens and Harlan and Eda walk out. They walk past the other cells, each containing different prisoners, until they reach Cell 123. Harlan unbuttons his sleeve, pulls it back and activates the laser cutter on his watch to cut the door open. The alarms go off and Harlan pushes the door down. Smoke fills the cell and a shadowy figure is visible. Harlan gets his flashlight and lights it at the figure.

Harlan: Cletus Clement, I'm with your daughter Eda, we're here to get you out.

However, a laugh. Not a man's laugh, a woman's laugh. Suddenly, the other cell doors open at once, and out come armed SERPENT agents and they surround Harlan and Eda . Cells 122 and 124 open last, and Harlan and Eda watch as Robbie and Thena walk out of their cells. Thena aims a gun at them while Robbie comes and gets Harlan's guns.

Chase: Oh Harlan, as predictable as ever.

Chase walks out of the smoke and smiles.

Chase: My office, now.

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