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On a wet, cold night, Levi Rivaille stood in the rain, hands in his face and shoulders shaking. Rain pounded on top of him, threatening to push him to the ground in which it did, but only with the help of his shaking knees, of course.

He sat there, shaking, shivering, but not crying. Tears never came out of his eyes and a sob never escaped his lips, what was happening was much worse - he felt numb.

His life was never perfect, considering his parents had died in a car crash when he was only fifteen, leaving him a struggling teen who turned to drugs to ease the pain. Then he met her. She fixed him little by little, never getting impatient with him, even when he would scream at her and tell her how much he hated her without meaning a thing, she stayed, but that was what the drugs did to him after all. They turned him into a monster, but she loved that monster and he loved her. She stayed for two years, to be exact. Day by day, he got better, until he finally completely dropped the drugs and alcohol one year ago, but that wasn't enough for her, he wasn't enough for her. She wanted someone better.

Her ruthless goodbye left him broken, shattered. The goodbye seemed to come up out of thin air, since before it happened they were walking home from their movie-date. She had pulled him to a stop and stood in front of him not wanting to meet him in the eyes and so she didn't, she let her pretty amber eyes stare at the cement instead. And then she told him in a heartless, cold voice: 'We're done, Levi. Goodbye.'. He had laughed it off of course, thinking she was joking, but her footsteps walking away from him confirmed that she was indeed serious. He had tried to run after her, even after she had gotten into her car and drove off. He had ran until her car was out of sight and his lungs burned.

And there she left him, a broken, disgusting mess on the street where the rain now poured down on him, chilling him to the bone. And there he vowed to never love again, to never let anybody in, to never be happy, to let himself be emotionless, monotone, to be an outcast so people would leave him alone.

Petra Ral had hurt him beyond repair. No, the love of his life had hurt him beyond repair.

A/N: Hey! This is my first ever Ereri story! I've written a few other stories but all of them were 'x Reader's, meaning that this is a HUGE change for me. I'm not completely sure how this will play out, like if the storyline will be okay or not. BUT I JUST SHIP THEM SO MUCH I HAD TO WRITE ABOUT IT.

I apologize for any mistakes.

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