Thirteen - Kisses

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Long time no update.

And I've also noticed that it seems like everybody read The Intern except for me, like, where have I been? I read like two words then got distracted and never got back to it, so XD

I hesitated publishing this chapter, since there is a section I wrote and am not used to writing at all, but I tried lmao

Levi's P.O.V.

I clutched the picture frame in my hands, my eyes glued to the picture. I read the words - that were written at the bottom- over and over again, scoffing each time I did. I let my eyes drift over to the picture itself, smiling softly. My finger traced it, outlining Eren's figure.

"You like it?" Eren asked, plopping down beside me on the bed.

"No." I answered quickly, flipping the picture facedown.

"I think it's cute." He said, taking the picture from my hands and flipping it over to look at it.

The picture was from Hanji, given to us as a gift. It was of Eren and I kissing, our first kiss that had only happened a few days ago. I found it quite annoying that she took a picture of it, while Eren found it cute. To make the gift even worse, it said 'Merry Christmas!' in cursive writing at the bottom.

Ever since Christmas, Eren would constantly kiss me, whether it be in public or not, even if his friends were with us. The kisses were never long, always short, but they were always on my lips. Not to mention that they were always random, meaning I could be making tea or something, then the next second he was kissing me. I wasn't complaining though, since his kisses never got boring and I never got used to them. It was like his lips had something new to offer each time. I would never tell him that though. As long as he knew, his constant kisses annoyed me.

"You're cute." I corrected, looking over my shoulder at him since he had fixed himself up behind me.

"You're cheesy." He replied, rolling his eyes.

"You're annoying." I muttered, earning a laugh.

He guided my face towards his by my chin, making me close my eyes since I knew what was coming. He stopped right before my lips touched his, making me grow agitated.

"Do you like my kisses?" He asked quietly, his lips brushing up against mine.

"If I didn't, do you think I would keep letting you give me them?" I asked, fixing myself so I was facing him.

"In that case, I won't kiss you." He decided, smirking slightly.

"Eren, you damn brat." I muttered, quickly pushing him down and straddling him, making him blush.

I pinned his wrists above his head, just like he did to me that one time when he was attempting to be dominant. He squeaked quietly, his cheeks turning pinker and growing warmer by the second. I leaned down and kissed right beside his mouth. He attempted to turn his head so his lips would meet mine, but I quickly pulled away, making him whine softly.

"I thought you didn't want to kiss me." I stated, smirking slightly.

"I never said that." He argued, wriggling around under me, attempting to get free.

"Then what are you saying?" I asked teasingly.

He rolled his eyes, sighing. His gaze met mine, his face straight and annoyed. "You call me a tease all the time, when you're the one who-"

I cut him off by crashing my lips against his, still holding his wrists. He was too shocked to move at first, but eagerly accepted the kiss eventually, tilting his head up slightly so the kiss was more comfortable. It was innocent at first, just simple movement and tongue grazes, until his wrists slipped from my grip and his hands found their way to the back of my neck, pulling me closer to him. My hands trailed down until they were resting comfortably on his cheeks, caressing and stroking them with my thumbs. Eren's fingers raked through my hair, making me moan softly at the feeling.

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