Four - We Aren't Friends

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A/N: I put another cute picture. Your welcome.

I've also noticed that in most Ereri fics, they end up making out in like the second chapter. LMAO NOT THIS ONE HAHA.

You'll have to wait a little bit, heh.

Levi's P.O.V.


I jumped in my seat, completely surprised by the loud voice in my ear. My fingers curled around the edge of my desk, while my eyes remained shut in fear of the teacher in front of me. I could feel all eyes on me, each pair boring through my skin like lasers.

"Daydreaming, again?" He asked.

I pried my eyes open, only to come face to face with the ugliest human on earth. I remained emotionless as I shrugged, making him growl.

"Out. I'm tired of you." He ordered, pointing his mangled finger at the door.

"Sure. Class is done in a few minutes anyways." I said, shrugging again as I gathered my things.

I walked out the door without another word, entering the barren halls. I shoved my things in my bag, threw my coat on, and trudged outside into the freezing weather.

Usually, if a teacher yelled at me like that, I would've yelled back just as loud, maybe even louder. I would've acted worse all together, but I was in an okay mood, possibly even a good one. I even smiled at Hanji during work this morning, but ended up glaring straight after due to the way she squealed and clawed at my arm.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, so I took it out and read the text.

Eren 4:25pm.

Hi Levi! Do you have work today? :D

I glided my thumbs over the keys, replying with a short answer.

Levi 4:26pm.

You know I do, you loser. -_-

Then the bus had pulled up, so I got on, flashed him my pass and went straight to the back where I always sat. I knew Hanji would be at my neck for not waiting for her, but I didn't feel like standing in the cold a second longer. Just then, my phone vibrated in my hand again, signalling that I received another text.

Eren 4:28pm.

You don't have to be mean ;-; I'll see you there though, kay?

I rolled my eyes that he would even ask such a stupid question, so replied simply.

Levi 4:28pm.


I then returned my phone to my pocket and leaned my head against my hand, waiting in agitation to reach the book store. I hadn't even brought my book, I had leant it to Eren even though I hadn't even finished reading it myself. I didn't mind though, not at all. I actually didn't mind Eren one bit, he was cool. He wasn't awkward, although the first few days hanging out with him were. Our conversations were full of stuttering, mumbling and awkward silences, all on his side though. But he relaxed eventually, and so did I. I didn't completely let my guard down; there were still loads of things I was cautious with. Like: I made sure we didn't hang out out of the book store, we didn't text too much, we didn't have any physical contact like high-fives or anything, and I didn't tell him a lot about myself, and I didn't let him tell me about himself either.

But we were close, not as close as I was with Erwin, but as close as total strangers could get. Even if we've known each other for two weeks now, I still considered us strangers.

The Book Store (Ereri/Riren) |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now