Six - To You Levi.

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Levi's P.O.V.

The rest of that night was spent with comfortable silences, idiotic smiles, corny jokes, Eren's random noises, and a few microscopic smiles from me. We stayed in that abandoned park all night, talking about nothing and sometimes not even talking.

It had been around six in the morning when Eren started trailing off his sentences, slurring his words and letting his eyes droop. I, myself still wasn't tired, so I got him on his feet and off we went to his home with his sloppy directions.

Right now I was at work, working as a barista as usual. It had been four days since that night, and I hadn't seen Eren since. He seemed to have vanished into thin air. The bastard didn't even answer my texts anymore. Hell, he didn't even text me, which was weird. To be honest, I was quite worried about him. I thought that maybe he was sick from spending the entire night in the snow, that had been the only rational explanation I came up with. My other explanations were quite idiotic. I thought that maybe he went back to Germany, or ran away to a different city, or died.

"Levi, the costumer." Hanji said, nudging me in the ribs with her elbow.

I snapped out of my thoughts. "Right. What do you want?" I asked bluntly.

The man gave me his order, the money and I gave him his drink. I did it all like a zombie, like I wasn't even there. My limbs felt heavy and my head was pounding. I waved over to Hanji to take over the cash register while I stepped aside to calm down. She gladly took over the next few orders while I focused on not dying.

"Fuck..." I muttered, barely keeping myself upright.

"Levi, maybe you should go home." Hanji suggested. "You don't look too well."

"No. I'm staying." I said flatly.

Because Eren might walk in...

"Really, Levi. You're paler than usual." She nagged.

I then dropped onto my bum, causing her to rush over to me in worry while I only waved her off. My throat was dry, my face was clammy and my stomach had a searing pain.

"" I demanded.

I had forgotten to eat, which happened more often than you would think. I always forgot to eat. I never ate breakfast, lunch, or dinner. My time away from Hanji got to me, considering she was the one always reminding me to eat.

"Dammit, Levi." She cursed as she frantically grabbed a scone from the glass case. "You forgot again, didn't you."

"And water."

She shot a few curse words at me before grabbing a cup of water too. She then sat on the ground beside me and fed to food and water to me. She had to hold the glass to my lips because of how weak I was.

"Too much time with Eren, huh?" She asked. "I'll have to tell him to make sure you eat."

"No, I haven't seen him since-" I stopped. "since he was last here."

She nodded as she broke the scone in small pieces to feed to me. At the moment, I didn't care if her fingers were clean or dirty, I was too starved to worry. After I was done, she helped me stand up to take off my apron and my hat.

"Want me to take you home?" She asked.

"No, I'm not going home."

"Levi, I don't think he's coming today." She said sadly. "He hasn't come for awhile. I'm sorry."

"Hanji, you're smart, right?" I asked. She nodded, confused. "Then tell me why I can't have normal friends, without them changing their minds' at the last second."

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