Seventeen - End

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In my relatively calm state, I attempted to escape the situation while I could, but my feet wouldn't move and I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I didn't know if she was really there, my mind just couldn't process it. But Hanji's earlier actions told me otherwise, so I knew Petra was really standing there. But just to confirm it, I slowly lifted my hand to her cheek, nearly gasping when I was actually able to touch her. My hand dropped to her shoulder as I sighed in relief. She let me keep my hand there as her eyes wandered the above menu.

Her touch was so inviting. After being away from it for so long, my body craved more. I needed her touch. I needed to feel her hands on my cheeks again, and feel her hand laced with mine.

But at the same time, I craved Eren's touch.

Yet I couldn't waste this moment. This moment was precious, and probably wouldn't last long, so without hesitation, I quickly crawled on top of the counter, my arms around her in a second. She gasped quietly, but I wasn't going to let that small noise of surprise stop me. I dug my face into her neck, savouring her sweet touch. My head was clouded, leaving me unable to think clearly. I was overwhelmed by the fact that she was there in front of me, breathing, and in my arms, just the thing I had wished for ever since she left. When I felt her arms hug me back, I held her tighter, attempting to make up for all the moments we were apart. She let out a soft sigh, which nearly made me cry, yes, cry. I wanted to cry. Just hearing the sound of her breathing made me want to cry.

"It's okay, Levi, stop shaking," She murmured softly. "I'm back."

"'re with me," I stated, my tone shaky and breathy. "Petra, you're here."

"I'm here," She repeated, now rubbing my back soothingly.

It was like I wanted something specific, but I didn't know what. Her hug wasn't enough, but I knew better than to kiss her, even though I'm sure a kiss wouldn't satisfy me. Sure, I missed this, but this wasn't what I was searching for. I wanted something specific from her, something that meant much more to me, but my mind was too overwhelmed to figure it out, so instead I continued to hold her, while thinking of what it was that I wanted.

I wondered what would happen after she left the store. Would she disappear again? I certainly didn't want that, not after being away from her for so long. I wanted her in my life again, even if just as a friend, hell, even if she hated me. I needed her in my life, no matter what. I knew that the second I had my arms around her.

Finally, after years, I finally had my missing piece back, the piece she took along with her. I felt whole again, like that piece never went missing, but if she were to leave my arms, would I lose that piece again? No, I wouldn't let that happen, I liked being whole. It was obvious she had to be in my life, because she now owned that piece of me, and there was absolutely no way it could ever be mine again. Apart of me was hers, and that would never change, not ever.

"Are you...are you staying?" I asked hopefully.

"Only if you want me to."

"Yes," I answered immediately. "Stay, don't leave again. I want you to stay."

"Then I'll stay."

It felt like a dream. I had thought of this moment happening for years, but I always thought we would seal it with a kiss or some other act of love. But I didn't want that, not anymore. It made me angry that Hanji and Erwin were trying to prevent me from having this moment, especially when they knew how much I needed this, how much I needed her. They knew more than Eren did, yet they still tried to stop it from happening. Why would friends try to do something like that?

The Book Store (Ereri/Riren) |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now