Seven - To you Eren.

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Intense fluffy moment near the end.

And sorry it's short, I have another chapter ready that I only have to edit; it'll be up in the next few hours or so, hopefully.

Levi's P.O.V.

I stood behind the counter, letting Hanji take all the orders while I went over my script ten million times. I kept fidgeting, checking the time and asking Hanji where the hell Eren was and why he was late.

I read my script again, feeling completely stupid that I was going this far out of my way for the brat, so far that I was barely acting like myself. Hell, I even went and spent my money on an unbelievably expensive flower for him, just one goddamn flower that had nearly emptied my wallet.

I cursed at myself and read over my script again cringing at the awkward beginning.

Hey, Eren.

I crossed that out, deciding I'd greet him however I seen fit when the time arrived.

I suck with words, so I'm just gonna say it, okay?

I kept that line, but underlined it so I would know to phrase it differently. I then read the entire thing, having to flip a page because of the amount I wrote down. Cringing, I went to erase the entire thing before Hanji's voice hissed out at me. My head snapped up to see Eren sauntering into the store, a bland expression on his face which only made me more nervous than I already was.

I considered completely dropping the plan and forgetting my feelings, but I decided against it once his eyes met mine. His before moody eyes brightened at the sight of me, his entire face enlightening. Just they way he looked when he seen me made me almost overconfident with my plan, but I knew better than to get my hopes up.

"Hi, Levi." He said, his tone a bit low as he forced a smile.

I nodded, knowing exactly what he was going to order; he ordered the same thing each time.

His attitude made my nervousness return. Something must've happened to him to make him moody and have to force a smile, or he was just having a shitty day.

"Hanji." I called over my shoulder, only to see her already whipping up Eren's drink.

She had forced me to tell her my plan, making me completely embarrassed the way she squealed and hopped around the store shouting: "I knew it! I knew it!"

Eren smiled at me again, his smile now real. I smiled back, but only slightly. In one hand under the counter, I clutched my notepad which had all my words on it, in the other, I carried a single rose. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, opening them to see his confused expression.

"Levi, are you well? You look a bit pale." He said worriedly.

"I'm fine." I said a little too quickly, glancing back at Hanji who was taking forever with the drink. "But I need to tell you a few things, if that's okay."

His eyebrows creased as he nodded slowly. "It isn't bad, is it? I mean, you're okay? We're okay?" He asked cautiously.

I nodded quickly as he gave me the money for his drink, but I have it right back which only confused him even more.

"I already paid for it." I said.

"Wow, thanks, Levi." He said, shoving the change back in his pocket. "But what was it you wanted to say?"

Hanji then handed me the drink and squealed quietly as she retreated, making Eren's eyebrows raise.

I hid the drink under the counter, slipping it onto the shelf and taking the rose in my hand instead. I was hesitant to lift it up though, afraid of what he might think. I slowly started to lift up my arm, until a voice interrupted.

The Book Store (Ereri/Riren) |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now