Sixteen - Petra Ral

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This chapter is kind of horrible, since I couldn't remember most of what I wrote earlier.

Warning: self advertising: Since this fic is ending in the next chapter, could you guys check out my other fic? (only if you want to).



Being happy was never something I was good at, even as a kid when my life wasn't fucked up. I was naturally unhappy, whether I was born to be or just got used to it. I had good parents, was good in school, and had no problems with anything, I was just unhappy for absolutely no reason. But I guess being that way early on caught up with me, and the world gave me a reason to be, actually, it gave me many reasons. I regretted being unhappy as a kid, because now I had many reasons to be unhappy about. But at least now I have one reason of happiness, and that was enough, even if the unhappy reasons outnumbered it.

When I had woke up that morning, Eren was curled up into me with his arms wrapped securely around my waist. I would be lying if I said I didn't want to stay in bed with him, but we still had to go into work, no matter how comfortable we both were. It was a bit embarrassing to have him so close to me, especially since both of us were still naked. I wanted to get up to get dressed before he woke up, but his arms prevented me, along with the soreness in my hips and lower back that I wasn't prepared for. I let out a small whimper of surprise when I had moved, and that caused Eren to wake up, his expression worried as he looked at me.

"I'm sorry," he said as he quickly unwrapped his arms from my waist.

"It's nothing," I reassured, smiling weakly at him as I sat up.

I scooted over to the end of the bed, moving as slow and calmly as I could without causing him worry. It wasn't that it hurt much, it was just more of an annoying soreness, but I would still do my best to avoid it. I sat there, not wanting to get up and make the walk to my bag for clothes. I contemplated bringing the blanket with me, but that would only tell him that I was self conscious, not that I wasn't, but I guess I just wasn't completely keen on him seeing my ass as I stood up.

My eyes landed on my boxers that lay on the ground, so I quickly bent over to grab them, but just as I did, I felt him place his hands on my hips, then it felt as if he was kissing my back. I looked over my shoulder, staring down at him. He wasn't necessarily kissing my back, he was just lingering his lips there, but the sensation was calming.

"I love you...a lot, Levi," he mumbled against my skin.

"Ich leibe dich," I replied, causing him to smile and fix himself up to sit beside me.

"How do I say it in French?" He asked curiously, peering at me over my shoulder.

I took my chance and kissed his lips softly, earning a small giggle. Once I pulled away, he was smiling at me happily, and so I smiled back, not as big, but just as happy.

"Je t'aime," I answered slowly so he would understand.

"Je t'aime, Levi," he repeated.

I cringed at his pronunciation, but ending up smiling and shaking my head. I slipped my boxers on and began to get ready. I could feel his eyes on me as I made my way around the room, gathering the necessities for a shower. When I stepped into the bathroom, he hopped up and quickly followed me.

"No," I said flatly.

He pouted and bowed his head. I didn't dare look downward in fear he was still fully naked; I would rather save myself the embarrassment of feeling the need to stare, but my curiosity got the best of me and I ended up looking down. I nearly sighed in relief when he was also in his boxers, but that relief faded once my eyes trailed up to his torso. I wordlessly checked out his stomach muscles, and I could almost feel him blushing as I did.

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