Five - The Past and the Present

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Levi's P.O.V.

Eren was on the brink of crying, and I didn't do anything about it.

He wasn't crying for him though, he was crying for me.

I took another sip of my hot chocolate and leaned backwards on my hands, watching the sun slowly set, casting rays of pink and orange across the before grey sky. It was freezing, and I hated the cold. The only thing keeping me from going home was the hot chocolate that kept me semi-warm, and Eren who seemed to not want to leave anytime soon.

"Is that all?" Eren asked softly.

"No, I've barely told you anything." I stated.

I only told him about my parents, who had died in a car crash a few years ago, and about my uncle who took me in, then ended up getting murdered a year later, but that was enough for him to almost cry himself over my sad past.

"I got into drugs."

He looked at me quickly, his face horrorstricken like I had just cut off my arm. He grabbed my shoulders and brought my face close to his.

"You don't still do them, do you?" He asked, scared.

I brushed his hands off me. "No, I'm not stupid." I grumbled.

He smiled lightly. "But how did you stop?" He asked.

I froze, adverting my gaze from him and to the cup in my hands. I guess he could sense my hesitation because he scooted closer and placed a hesitant hand on my knee. Usually I would've pushed him away, but I let him comfort me, even if it was only his hand.

"I can't." I said simply.

"That's okay. I'll tell you about me then, 'kay?" He asked.

I nodded, sighing in relief that he didn't make me tell him. "Wait." I said, making him close his mouth again. "How about I just tell you simple things?"

He smiled. "Okay. What's your surname?"

"Rivaille." I answered. "I don't like colours, before you ask. I hate the cold, I like reading, and I don't like anything else."

"That was blunt." He said, laughing lightly. "Can we go inside? It's freezing."

I glanced back at the house. "This isn't my house." I said flatly.

"Oh? Is it Hanji's." He asked, confused.

"It's Petra's. It was hers." I said. "Most of her family's things are still inside."

"They just left everything?"

"No. Her clothes, necessities and dishes are gone." I said, still staring at the house. "She left everything else."

"I'm sorry. It must...hurt to talk about this, I didn't mean to pry." He said.

I stood up, leaving my hot chocolate on the steps. Eren watched my every movement as I walked back up the steps. I rolled my eyes and turned back to him.

"Coming?" I asked, extending my hand to him. "You said you were cold, right?"

"N-no. We don't have to go in." He said quickly, shaking his head.

"Well I'm cold too. Let's go."

He nodded and took my hand, allowing me to pull him up and lead him over to the door. I let go of his hand to push it open, causing a loud screeching noise to cry from the rusted hinges. I motioned for Eren to follow me, and so he did. Out of habit, I dusted off my boots before starting to walk around.

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