One - Hanji's Annoying Antics

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"Excuse me, sir, but do you work here?"

Levi looked up from his book, his steely eyes peering over at the annoying looking girl who had so rudely interrupted his reading. He narrowed his eyes, making her recoil and her blue eyes dart around nervously. In a sharp voice, he replied: "No, I wear this uniform for fucking fun," He answered, his voice monotone, but obviously sarcastic.

"W-well, would you mind helping me find a book?" She asked, not letting her eyes meet his.

Huffing, he stood up from the plush chair, slamming his half-read book on the table and then brushed himself off. He noticed that she was taller than him, making him even more annoyed, but that doesn't mean she was more intimidating. He placed himself in front of her, glaring at her so hard he was surprised she didn't burst into flames.

Placing a hand on his hip, he rolled his eyes at her stupidity. "Well? What shitty book are you looking for?" He demanded.

She fiddled with her fingers nervously, making a squeak in surprise from his rudeness before answering. "W-well, my after school club is having a festival a-and everyone needs to write an essay before that. I need a book about the history of our country," She stuttered. She leaned in closer to him, peering at his name tag. "Levi."

He ignored her, waving his hand to motion for her to follow him. He turned down an aisle, running his hand along the book spines until his feet came to a stop. He pulled the thick book out and handed it to her, making her nod in thanks and smile happily.

Cute. Sort of, she isn't that great looking.

He closed his eyes, feeling a pain shoot through him, forcing him to turn his back on her and take a deep breath.

You can do this, Levi. Can I? No, I can't, but trying never hurt, I guess.

He turned back towards her, trying to ignore the pain inside of him. He forced himself to start conversation, that quickly led to her talking and blabbing about all sorts of things. He watched her smile, laugh and talk about nonsense. He replied when necessary, making her smile even brighter and tilt her head to the side curiously when he had more than one sentence to say.

"Levi, what's your last name?" She asked shyly.

"Rivaille," he answer blandly. "But you never said your name."

"I'm Raine Kennedy," she answered, plastering a smile on her face.

"Why is that you want to buy this book instead of going to a library?" He asked, trying to put a bit of emotion into his voice which seemed impossible; the same with trying to remove his almost permanent scowl.

"Well, I..." Her cheeks turned bright pink as she dropped her gaze to the ground. "B-because..."

He crossed his arms, letting an annoyed sigh as he glared at her, waiting for an answer. it was a simple question, yet it seemed so complicated for her.

"Because, Levi, I-I really like you!" She burst out.

His raised his eyebrows in slight surprise, completely taken off guard since he had never spoken to her before today, actually, he hadn't spoken to anyone except for his annoying friend Hanji and a few chosen coworkers.

"Tch. You like me? I never met you," he said flatly.

He didn't know how to handle this situation, not anymore, not since Petra. If a cute girl had told him that she liked him a few years ago, he would've asked her out, but not now. He wanted to get out of the risky situation, but he knew the normal thing to do was to ask her out. But that wasn't what he wanted.

The Book Store (Ereri/Riren) |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now