Eight - Perfect

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Levi's P.O.V.

Perfect, that was one word to describe Eren. Although I could think of millions of others that would act in his favour, perfect narrows it down.

Except perfect doesn't exist, so I'd rather use all of those millions of words when someone asks what I think of him.

Over the course of the next several days, we were constantly together, rarely separated. The only time we were apart was at night or when we were attending classes. It agitated me that he went to Rose, while I went to Sina which was way too far than I would like him to be.

Nothing changed between the two of us, except for our obvious inseparable-ness, the fact that we texted/called more often, slight flirting which was mostly on Eren's part, a few hugs here and there, and how we'd sometimes hold hands when we were out together.

It was a big change for me, considering I had only dated girls up until now. It's not like I've dated a lot though, only Petra and a few others in middle school. Hell, I even dated Hanji when we had first met, which obviously didn't work out quite well considering how we were complete opposites. Dating Eren-if we were even considered dating-was completely different. Just being with a guy was different. But I couldn't help but realize how much better it felt, or how comfortable, natural and normal it made me feel by just being with him. Even just knowing that we were something more than friends was better overall.

I think Eren knew how new this was to me, so he never pushed anything. He was patient and let me make the first moves, or only made the first move when it was obvious that I wanted him to. For example: we were together at my apartment one night watching a movie. We had been sitting on different sides of the couch, and since it was winter outside, I was freezing my ass off. I didn't want to come right out and say it, so I tried to make it obvious that I wanted him beside me. I had even directly old him that I was freezing. And finally after what seemed like an eternity to my cold body, he crawled over to me and held me close to him.

It made me a bit happy that he was being so careful and cautious with me, but it made me feel a bit unwanted at the same time, like he didn't want to take things too far because he didn't really like me. But every time I felt like that, I'd immediately force it out of my head because I knew he wanted me, he had said it himself. And then there were times where I wanted him, probably more than I should've. Those times didn't last long and rarely happened, they'd only be a passing thought. I was a guy after all, and guys thought about those things.

Those days when Eren would excuse himself to go cry, or I would curl myself into a ball, were gone, they had completely vanished. I didn't miss those days one bit, I didn't miss feeling like something was ripping me apart violently. Eren pointed that out too, and explained to me that it was because we were fixing each other; I think my small smile had told him that I agreed.

I remember each night I spent with Petra, she would let me tell her how my day went and what I felt throughout the day. She would listen every time, either it be on the phone or in person. I'd always listen to what she had to say afterwards, which would mostly be about how she thought I should've reacted differently in a situation, tell me that I should've been nicer, or remind me about my swearing issue. I'd thank her for her feedback in the most sarcastic way possible before going to sleep, but only after she had told me the same three words she always did: "I love you." And I would reply the same.

Even after she left, I still did that, but I'd stare at my ceiling instead of her face like I used to. I never expected a reply, or to hear her witty and clever comments, but it still hurt when I received only silence instead of her silky voice. It still hurt when I didn't hear her say those three words, but I still said them back, but now with an added letter; a nice fancy D at the end of the second word.

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