Three - Eren Jaeger

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Levi's P.O.V. (A/N: Yes, I've decided to do it again and the pic is frigging adorable)

"Levi! We gonna be late!" Hanji exclaimed as she dragged me off the bus.

I winced at her strong grip against my wrist, but let her drag me anyway to avoid suspicion. I nearly tripped and slipped on the icy sidewalks as she dragged me down the already busy street.

"Slow down, Shitty Glasses." I scolded.

"You should've woke me up earlier!" She shouted angrily.

I rolled my eyes, still letting her drag me into the book store and to the back room. Luckily she had left her uniform here yesterday, otherwise she would've gotten trouble for wearing regular clothes on the job. I was already wearing my uniform so I hung up my coat and threw on my apron. Yes, apron; a green one to be exact, with the Starbucks logo on it. There was a Starbucks in this book store, so we could get more customers. I was working as a shitty barista today, meaning I'd have to interact with annoying strangers and make them shitty drinks.

"Levi, sorry for-sorry for yesterday. Hanji said, catching me by my wrist before I went behind to cashier's counter.

I bit my lip. "Yeah, okay." I muttered. "It's whatever now. But-" I stopped.

"Levi?" She asked softly.

"But I should say sorry too, so sorry for you know...getting so angry." I forced out. "And...thanks for friend, Hanji."

I closed my eyes and let out the breath I had been holding in. It tired me to even say those things, but it was more hard than anything. I wasn't used to sharing my feelings, or being polite like saying thanks.

"Oh Levi!" She squealed, engulfing me in a bone crushing hug. "It's not a bother, really! I like being your friend! And I can't believe you said that!"

"Get the fuck off me, Shitty Glasses!" I demanded, pushing her away from me and stomping over to my place behind the counter.

"See you at lunch, Levi!" She called as she skipped along back to the book store section of the building.

From my position, I could see Hanji behind the counter at the book store, meaning that she would be giving me goofy/annoying faces every single time her gaze met mine, just like always. I shoved the green baseball cap on my head as a costumer walked in, the girl from yesterday.

"Hi Levi. Can I have a Strawberry Creme Tall Frap?" She asked.

I typed in the order on the cash register, glaring down at the useless thing before returning my bored gaze to her. "$4.03" I said simply.

She hand me the change and smiled while I dropped it into the cash register, making sure to put the coins in the right slots before turning around to make the drink. I shoved all the ingredients in the blender and waited impatiently beside it.

"Sorry about yesterday, Levi." She piped up. "Truly."

"It's whatever now." I said, keeping my gaze on the blender and waving my hand towards her.

"I was wondering...if you really did want to do something together, without Hanji knowing of course. And she didn't ask me this time, I truly want to, but only if you want to." She rambled. "You see, I think you're...I think you're handsome, and cool, and-"


"Wh-why?" She stuttered.

I grabbed the blender and poured its contents into the cup. I placed the cap on, grabbed a straw and shoved the drink at her, making my glare as sharp as possible.

The Book Store (Ereri/Riren) |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now