Ten - Old Friend

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Lmao remember that cliffhanger last chapter

Sorry for the crap chapter. I can't write at the moment :/

Levi's P.O.V.

I felt like screaming, shouting and gouging my own eyes out. I was doing all of those things on the inside, while I was completely emotionless on the outside. The only thing that kept me sane was Eren who still had his arms around me.

"Aren't you happy?" Hanji asked, excited.

"Shocked, actually." I answered.

"It's been a long time, Levi."

I looked up, frowning slightly. Trying to be the bigger person, I walked up for a hand shake.

"Erwin." I greeted, shaking his hand.

He smiled, returning his hand to his side. "I ran into Hanji at the mall. She insisted we come visit you at once." He said.

"The mall this late?" I asked, feeling Eren return to my side.

"Last minute Christmas shopping." He explained.

"He moved back, Levi." Hanji piped up happily. "We're all back together!"

"Not all of us." I said flatly, causing Eren to take my hand in his, rubbing it softly.

"That's true." Erwin agreed. "It's not the same without Petra."

"Exactly." I agreed. "Nothing's the same."

"Levi..." Eren murmured.

"I'm okay." I reassured. "Perfect."

"Who's this?" Erwin asked curiously, holding out his hand to Eren. "I'm Erwin, Erwin Smith."

Eren shook his hand. "Oh, I know." Eren said. "I'm Eren Jaeger. I'm Levi's...eh...friend."

"Is that a German accent?" Erwin asked.

"Yes, I've just recently moved from there." Eren answered.

"Okay, enough." I interrupted, reattaching Eren's hand to mine.

Eren giggled lightly at my reaction, making me suppress a smile at the musical sound. I noticed Erwin's eyebrows raise, almost surprised and questioning the scene in front of him.

"Oh! Levi's gay!" Hanji said, reading his confused expression.

"Gay?" Erwin questioned. "And is this your...boyfriend?"

"Actually..." Eren trailed. "Not really, I mean, we like each other."

"Afraid of commitment, Levi?" Erwin asked, teasing lightly.

"You would know."

My remark shut him up. But it had made Eren uncomfortable the way he shifted his feet and let go of my hand. Making a grunt of annoyance, I grabbed his arms and wrapped them back around myself, earning another light giggle from him.

"Erwin's moving back, Levi." Hanji explained happily.

"Great." I said flatly, emotionlessly.

"I meant to come visit you tomorrow, but I ended up running into Hanji, so she asked me to come tonight instead." He said.

"Well, I was busy-"

"Shut up, Levi, no you weren't." Eren interrupted. "We were only wrapping gifts."

Shocked that he actually managed to say something like that to me, I looked at him, mouth slightly agape. I expected to get a rushed apology, but got a glare and a nod towards Erwin instead.

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