Two - A Worthless Best Friend

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Levi's P.O.V. (A/N: I'll try this and see how it goes)

The blade clattered to the floor, the clanging echoing throughout my bathroom. My shaky hands had caused it to fall out of my grip, to my dismay. I felt numb, but not anymore, I felt pain. Being in pain was better than being numb all the time, so I gave myself pain by running that blade across my skin repeatedly. I grew to like to feeling, to need it in my life other than the numbness. It was like she had taken all my emotions along with her, like a keepsake of sorts, so she could remember the guy who fell hopelessly in love with her and stayed like that even after she left him; it was her very own personal sick trophy from the breakup.

But I had my own trophy, these cuts. They were the only things I had control of anymore, and I liked being in control. I liked how I had the choice to do this or not, and by doing it, I had control over the physical pain I felt by how hard I pressed the blade, and I loved it. I wasn't masochistic, I just liked being in control, I was a control freak after all.

I bent down to pick up the blade, quickly bringing it to my left wrist for another series of painful slashes. I winced, cringed and bit my lip to make my actions more bearable. Finally, after my wrists were a bloody mess, I dropped the blade in the sink and got the tap running. The cold water erased any clues of my secret from the white sink, but didn't erase it from my wrists. As I washed them, they only seemed to get bloodier, so I gave up and wrapped them up instead. I then found my way to my bed and flopped down, face first into the cold, but soft mattress.

"Worthless." I muttered under my breath, feeling the pain in my wrists. "You're worthless, Levi, get a life."

But I didn't want a life, at the time she was all I needed, but now I had nothing. After she left, I thought I would be okay because Erwin was there; he was always there no matter what. And then the bastard left too, leaving me with a gender-confused lunatic wearing glasses that didn't give a damn about me, only about her stupid experiments. But she had gotten me a job without a moments hesitation, that was the only friend-wise thing she's done for me though, that's what I thought anyways.

"Levi! Open the door! I have pizza!"

Speak of the devil.

"Open it yourself, you have a key!" I shouted back, my voice muffled by my sheets, but that didn't mean it ceased the anger in my tone.

"I lost it!"

"For fuck sakes..."

I forced myself up by my arms, wincing when a stinging sensation ran all up my arms. I went to my closet and slipped on a black sweater, sighing when it was too big. I rubbed my eyes groggily as I made my way through the apartment and to the door, growling under my breath at the excessive pounding that was sure to leave a hole if I didn't hurry. I whipped it open to see Hanji standing there with a box of pizza, a few bottles of soda, and bags of random candies.

"What the he-"

"It's ladies night!" She squealed, pushing past me and rushing over to the couch.

"Tch. I see no ladies here..."

I let her in any way and closed the door. I then followed her to couch and sat down, watching her make a mess on the coffee table with all the fattening food. I glared at the pile of grease and sugar, feeling a bit nauseous at the sight of it, while she squealed and rushed to my kitchen for plates and such.

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