Be with you.

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Engfa are now in other corner of the House and she wanted to get away from the army's who's fallowing her. She take deep breathe before she entered the exit Door.

She walk slowly like an observer and Guard her steps cause she might counter someone.

" Engfa"

Engfa turned her head and saw her brother. She immediately pointed him her Gun. " the fuck you doing here" she said. " are you one if them?! "

" relax Engfa. I'm just here to show him a support but I'm not one of them" he said and light his cigarette.

" Your monster! How could you do this to Charlotte specially to Daughter" engfa was very Infuriated.

Mile just look at his sister who look desperate to shot him he take a sip on his cigarette and walk close to engfa, but engfa immediately step backwards and grip on her gun.

" don't you come closer or I'll shoot you " Engfa firmly shouted.

" Engfa You see and you know I can't do anything.. I was the one suffered a lot and you know about that. but I choose you and Freen safety before my self. I know you love Charlotte and it's not my fault it's father plans all of this and I'm just his toy. You know exactly what I am for Dad.. Back then I know you love her, I was your number one supporter but Father on his way to ruin it even our bond he ruined it You know that too Engfa I'm not bad Older brother to you and Mind. I'm not the one who kill my lovely wife. He put the blame on me Eng" Mile explained and cried remembering how his father betrayed him that day but can't revenge cause he might lost his daughter too.

" it's too late to tell that too me Mile. You ruined everything "engfa said.
Ans still pointing her Gun to her brother.

" I know.. I know I can't bring everything back but now I want to change it" he said.

" just Don't show yourself to us " engfa said. " you know I can't do that " he said. " freen hate you so much " engfa said. "I kno- just Don't show us your face Mile!! Because of you My life fuck up!! You and Dad have the same Brain!! You can Fool me anymore!!

Mile look at Engfa and suddenly her expression change.

His eyes was sharp and he Clenched his teeth and look firmed.

" I'm serious Engfa... I'm fucking serious I regret everything" he said.

" whatever Mile. Just tell me where that fuck is? And I'll won't include you " she said. Mile just let a deep breath.



Freen shouted while Becky's on her arms. " CALL THE AMBULANCE PLEASE!! " Freen cried out while her palm was on her girlfriend face trying to wake up becky. " please Taerak Don't ever leave me.. Stay with please Taerak"

One if the Soldiers already call for ambulance and the other proceeds to do what they assigned for.

The Shooting Changing between army's and Enemies is still continues and the commander or the head of the soldiers is with freen to Guard them.

The Bad Guy is still in floor two Soldiers tagging him down while he was trying to move. " take him away from here" the head soldier said the one who helped freen through out the mission. The two soldiers immediately bring the Guy to the

"Taerak please taerak Don't leave " freen is still crying while the Others just there looking at her with pity. " stop crying now mate" the Guy said while he was rubbing freen's back. "

Freen is hopeless and don't know what she will do. Seeing her girlfriend unconscious brakes her more.

when she see the bruises on her Girlfriend face she wanted to hurt herself so Beck don't feel the pain alone.

𝒮𝒾𝓈𝓉ℯ𝓇'𝓈  𝘍𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘯𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘬𝘺Where stories live. Discover now