What Are We Going To Do?

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"Out of everyone I never thought you'd be the one to betray me. How could you"!? Madara was furious as he glared at me with nothing but hatred. We were both on the battlefield with our allies behind us waiting for our next move. During the fight, Madara ended up fighting my father Butusana while I pretended to fight a Uchiha soldier.

When we were kids Madara and I both made it a rule that we wouldn't fight or attack the other while on the battlefield. We were best friends and didn't want the war between our families to stand in the way of that but now that was no longer the case.

My father Butusama knew about my secret feelings for Madara and purposefully made it look like I was defending my father against him while also giving him a serious injury.

I did my best to stop my blade in time but ended up failing. My eyes widened in shock as the tip of my sword made contact with Madara's eye causing him to let out a loud agonizing scream.

"Aniki"! His brother Izuna yelled coming to his brother's aid. "Madara I swear it was an accident, I didn't mean to". "LIAR! I trusted you and you do this to me!? I'm supposed to be your friend remember"!?

My father placed a hand on my shoulder. "Why would he want to be friends with gutter trash like you? For all he knows you were trying to use your so-called friendship as a way to betray him once you've gotten what you wanted".

He averted his eyes to the me. "You know me, you know I never would've done anything to hurt you but it's clear which side you've picked. The truce we had is over. Everyone, return home".

End of Flashback

I cried silently hugging my knees as I replayed the memory of my father's deceit over in my mind.

It isn't true, I would never do anything to hurt you. I love you too much to ever hurt you. Especially not like that. I hate this. I hate the fact you can't talk to me. I hate the fact you think I hurt you. I hate the fact that I accidentally hurt you.

I miss you so much, Madara. I miss my best friend. You were the only person I could talk to about anything without judgment. If I could go back in time and change the past I would. I would give anything for you to know the truth.


"Go away". I sniffled.

She ignored my request and instead came sit next to me. She made me place my head in her lap and I cried as I felt her fingers gently glide through my hair. "It hurts to see you so broken and miserable". "He won't talk to me momma. It's been three years and he's still so distant and clod".

She kissed my head.

"I know it doesn't look like it now but I promise things will get better for you". "How"? "Just be patient and wait, you'll see". I nodded my head but quickly sat up when my little sister came bursting through the door with tears in her eyes.

"Aki, what's wrong"? I took her into my arms and held her. "My friend was hurt by Liam and his group. Her momma came to get her but she's hurt bad. We need to help her". "Of course, what's her name"? "Ryuko".

My body froze. Out of all the names she could have said I didn't expect it to be Madara's baby sister. I shouldn't be completely surprised, Aki hasn't had training and her and Ryuko are the same age. I don't have a problem with it but our fathers another story.


"Aki dear, you stay with your brother while I go talk with your father ok". "Ok, momma". She was confused but hugged me regardless.

Maybe I Was Wrong To Judge You MadaHashi/ IzuTobiWhere stories live. Discover now