Getting Closer

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I could feel the agitation coming off from him as he slept a few feet away from me. We both still had our sleeping bags on us so we didn't have to sleep on the hard ground all night. We still did technically but at least it was a little soft.

My eyes were open as I watched him toss and turn in his sleep. His hair was a mess underneath him and small beads of sweat glistened his forehead. I so badly wanted to reach out my hand to him and hold him. I wanted him to know everything would be ok but you're not supposed to wake someone up if their having a nightmare. Your supposed to let them go through it, no matter how much it hurt them to go through it or you to watch them go through it.

When I couldn't take it any longer I stood up and used the flying his thunder technique to transport myself to the last market we were at. There I bought us apples, crackers, dumplings, and a few bags of trail mix before heading back to him. What I saw wasn't good though.


It's not real, it's not real, it's not real. Tobirama's ok, he's ok. You're worrying yourself for nothing.

I thought to myself as I hugged my knees. I expected I would have a nightmare at some point during this mission but I expected it to be about Ryuko, not Tobirama.

I don't even know why I'm worried about him

I moved my hand to my side.

I should hate him, right?  He hurt me. He tried to kill me


I lifted my head up and felt him standing in front of me. His eyes held nothing but worry as he looked at the state I was in.

"Is it Madara"?

I shook my head.


I shook my head again.

"Wanna talk about it"?

"Not really".

He sat cross-legged in front of me. "Then say what's on your mind".


"Why what"?

"Why do you want to help me"? I sensed sadness come off him. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Please, just this once". I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"I want her to have a better life than I did. I don't want her growing up thinking all she needs to do in life is train and fight. I want her and Aki to stay friends, for her to go to parties, have fun, get married, and start a family if that's what she wants of course. I just want her to be happy".

"What about you"?

"What about me"?

"Don't you want that as well"? I scoffed. "What about you". He looked down sadly. "My father will more than likely pick the person I'll end up marrying and except me to give them at least two children". I sat up giving him my full attention.

"If you feel safe enough to open up to me go ahead. I'll listen". He was silent for a while. "I'm gay Izuna". "How long have you known"? "I always did, it was just a feeling I had. My mom's supportive but my dad's a different story. Nothing I do is ever good enough for him.

He's always comparing me to Hashirama and saying I need to do this or that better. Sometimes it feels like he regrets having me. He trained use himself but the way he did it was kinda abusive..........if we did something wrong we either got hit or he'd leave us outside until we got it right.

Mom wasn't allowed to bring us food so we had to learn how to hunt early. His excuse was it builds character". I took off my bandages and watched as he pulled his sleeve down revealing the cuts on his arm.

"You were my only friend but I was so scared to tell you any of this because I was afraid you'd leave me". His body started shaking. "I didn't think I could handle that but in the end, I was the one that made you leave". I took him into my arms and held him as he cried.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry".


"Did we really have to get up this early"? I asked my dad as we sat in the meeting room together. It was early in the morning and he had woken me up saying a meeting was going to start soon. It wasn't just me, my older brothers Kwarama and Itama were here as well.

"You wanted to be a part of what's going on you have to do things you don't like". I pouted and a few seconds later the door slid open and in walked a man with his wife and two daughters behind him.

One had her hair down and wore a white kimono with a red waistband while the other had her hair up in buns and wore a purple kimono with a black waistband. "Thank you for agreeing to meet with us Lord Butusama. I know you declined my offer of letting the Uzumaki become allies with the Senju but if you listen to my new purposel I'm sure you'll agree.

The young lady in purple is my eldest daughter Mito, the one in white is her younger sister Kimiko. If it's ok with you I was hoping to offer them to your two eldest sons as wives".

Out of all things this meeting could be about I wasn't expecting it to be this.

Aniki and Nii San won't want this

"Hm, I'll be the first to admit my son's focus has been off track. They went on a mission I didn't approve of and as a result, have neglected their responsibilities here. You two are very fit young women who seem to be in good health but how do I know you'll be able to keep a hold on my sons"?

"Our father was very strict with my older sister and I. We know the responsibilities belonging to a shinobi wife and will do our utmost to fulfill them". The Kimiko chick said.

"Very well then, when my sons return home is when wedding plans will be made".

Word Count: 1048

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