The Search Begins

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I did the only thing I could think of doing in that moment. I rushed back to the Inn, quickly packed both mine and Izuna's belongings then used my teleportation jutsu to head home to the Uchiha compound.

I headed straight to the main house, made my way upstairs to Madara's room and knocked on the door hoping either he or Hashirama was home. When I didn't get a answer on the third knock I made my way down the hall to his father's office and knocked on his door.

"Come in"? I did as told and bowed to him immediately.

"I'm glad to see your back home Tobirama but I thought Izuna would be with you". "That's why I'm here sir, it's about Izuna".

"What about him? Did something happen"?

Don't cry, not here. Not in front of your future father-in-law

"He's missing. Earlier today he went out to get us food and hasn't come back yet. I searched the village we were in but he was nowhere to be seen, his chakra also wasn't in the area. One of the village girls came over to me wanting to help and told me that a new face was seen in the village. This girl had long red hair".

"Are you thinking it could be your alleged fiancee"  "I'm hoping I'm wrong but if she's loyal to my father then there's no telling what she's capable of. I do know that my father wants me home, that's why Izuna and I left". 

"I understand". He stood up and made his way over hugging me. My breath hitched as tears filled my eyes. Never once had I felt the warmth of a father's hug. It never existed in our house and I had convinced myself it would never happen.

I had no idea it would feel so warm, loving, and safe.

"You're a part of the Uchiha clan now Tobirama. This is your home now. You don't have to go back". I hugged him back.

Tajima had sent word out to Madara right away explaining what was going on. I made my way to U
Izuna's room and went lay down in his bed immediately. I could feel a panic attack coming on and needed something that smelled like him.

When the door opened I didn't look up. I had already felt his chakra approaching and knew he would come sooner or later. He climbed into bed with me, took me into his arms, and held me close as he gently stroked my hair.

"We're going to find him, don't worry". "Do you know if she did it"? "No, you're my first priority". "Hashi please, Madara can't go".

"The two of you are officially together". He said while holding my necklace in his hand. "It's the last thing he gave to me". I teared up. "You will get your Uchiha back, I'll make sure of it".


"Izuna loves you so much Tobi, he'll find a way back to you I promise. In the meantime you still have me and our younger siblings. I'll send Aki over later I know you've missed her". "I have but I don't want her to see me sad".

"She's your sister, let her be there for you just like you've been there for her". "I ok". He kissed my head. "He will come back to you I promise".


I made my way to the Senju compound and headed straight to my father's office slamming the door wide open.

"What's the meaning of this"?

"Where's Izuna? What have you done with him"?

"I assure you I don't know what your talking about".

Vines sprouted out of the ground and wrapped their way around him. "Don't play dumb with me. You do not want to make an enemy out of me or the Uchiha father".

"Do you honestly think I'm afraid of Tajima"?

"It's not him you should be afraid of". "I'm sure as hell not afraid of Madara. The Uchiha who couldn't even save his baby sister on his own. A real man wouldn't need help". The vines tightened around him. "He's a better man than you'll ever be.

He never once hit me and while on our mission he actually apologized for how he treated me, something you'll never do and aren't capable of doing. Unlike you he actually gives a dam whether or not I'm happy".

"You talk as if you're fond of him".

I said nothing.


"He's the one I'm going to marry not Mito". I took my necklace out to show him. "It's not a ring". "One, you obviously have no idea what this necklace symbolizes,  two, my ring will come later and three, I don't hate Mito nor do I dislike her she's a very good friend.

What I can't stand is you and her parents trying to control us now I'll ask you again where's Izuna"!?

"Somewhere you'll never find him". Kimiko spoke from behind me but before I had time to turn around a dagger was stabbed into my back.

Madara help

Word Count: 851

Maybe I Was Wrong To Judge You MadaHashi/ IzuTobiWhere stories live. Discover now