A Talk

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"How are you feeling today my love"? Madara asked gently rubbing my arm as we laid in bed together. "I always feel at peace when I'm around you". He kissed my head. "That's good. How'd you sleep"? "Amazing". He kissed my shoulder.

"You"? "Of course, I slept good, I had an angel sleeping next to me". I smiled. "Did you think about our conversation"? "Hm I have, I'll go talk to her later, right now I just wanna enjoy laying in your big strong arms". "I'm enjoying you laying in my arms".

"Good. Madara".

"Yes, my love"?

"What do you see when you think of the future"? "Hm easy. You and me married with a bunch of kids running around but it won't be here. I want to build a village where everyone will feel safe, where children won't have to be born into war or have to learn how to wield a sword at one or two.

I want the future children to grow up making friends, playing from dawn to dusk. I also want to build a ninja school that will teach them the values every ninja needs and where they can practice fighting safely. When they graduate, they'll go on missions that fit their skill level but will also be on a three-man team with a sensei supervising them. I want to decrease the number of child deaths not let it go up. You feel the same way don't you"?

"I do but do you plan on being village chief as well as clan leader"? "How would I be village chief if you and our siblings are going to help me build it"? "Because it's your dream and I want to support your dreams". "Don't act as if the ideas never crossed your mind love".

"It has but I don't have as much freedom as you do dear". "Not yet you don't".

It was around lunchtime that I made my way back to the Senju compound with Madara. We had spent the entire morning together in bed but now it was time to take care of business. I snuck him past the gate and onto the main property.

I looked for her outside but headed straight to my room when I noticed she wasn't there but didn't see here there either.


I turned around and took notice to Aki coming out of her room. "Have you seen Mito"? "She's in the guest room". "Guest room"? Madara asked. "Mhm, she knows your mad at her and didn't want to upset you when you came back", "I see".

I took Madara by the hand and headed straight to the guest room with him. I was surprised to see bandages around her head but made my way inside with him regardless.

"We need to talk". She didn't look up.

"Go ahead, I'm all ears". Her voice was monotone.

"It's been brought to my attention that I was harsh with you and didn't even give you a chance to speak and for that I'm sorry, It's just I know the kind of person my father is as well as the kind of people he does business with".

"That may be but I don't even want to be here. I didn't get a say in this either and your an asshole for assuming that. Just like you my whole life has been planned out for me. I don't get a say in anything, all that's expected of me is to do as I'm told and be the good daughter and sister they don't have.

No one asked me how I felt about this. Kimiko's the one that wanted a Senju husband, she gets whatever it is she wants no questions asked".

I looked at Madara then went take the seat next to her.

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I was such an asshole, I'm sorry for assuming things and not giving you a chance to talk. If anyone knows and understands how your feeling it's me. I promise you I'm not always like that I was just so scared of being taken from Madara, I still am".

"I don't intend on doing that to you". She looked up. "I know that now. I also know you have no reason to trust me but I promise I'll make this easy on you as much as I can, all that I ask is that you allow me to see Madara, I get anxious when I'm not around him for a certain amount of time or when I start to think of the what ifs".

"Of course, I'll cover for you". She hugged me and I hugged back.

Word Count: 781

Maybe I Was Wrong To Judge You MadaHashi/ IzuTobiWhere stories live. Discover now