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Ryuko was clinging to my neck from behind as I made breakfast for everyone. Poor thing was starting to feel icky again and wanted to be as close to me as possible. I didn't mind. She needed to get out of her room and I knew she wasn't going to fall.

When I was about to set the table is when I heard the back door slid open. I turned my head and saw Aki with a worried expression on her face. "What the matter"? "My dads going to make my brothers marry two women for power and status".

"I see".


We are going to head to the Senju compound and you will marry Hashirama so our clan can get the respect it deserves. Do I make myself clear?

My mothers words echoed in my head as I sat by myself in one of the rooms they assigned me. I'm to stay here until Lord Hashirama returns from his mission and inform him myself of our marriage.

Just like me he's not being given the chance to tell anyone what he wants. He'll be mad once he returns home. He's on a mission to help his friend's little sister and is being punished for it.

That's not right. How can anyone be okay with that outcome? How can anyone be happy with their parents controlling their lives for them? He'll also think I had something to do with this. I am the eldest, it's only natural I would want what's best for me and my little sister right?

No one cares about what I want

"Miss Mito". A female voice came after a knock.

"Yes, what is it"?

"May I come in"?

"Yes, you may".

The door slid open to reveal a women around the same age as me with tan skin, dark hair tied into a bun with bangs decorating the left side of her face. She wore a shirt that showed a little bit of her stomach and had her shoulders exposed with the sleeve going around them.

Her pants were also tight and did a great job at showing off her curves and hugging her waist. She didn't look uncomfortable in it either. She owned that outfit, everything about her said she was confident and that she knew it.

"I'm Toka Senju, Hashirama and Tobirama's cousin. I'll also be the one seeing to your needs and making sure that your comfortable. If you need anything don't be afraid to ask".

Thankfully I'm sitting on my legs. I'll definitely need to change my underwear after this.


"Are you ok? Do you wanna stay another day to rest"? I asked Madara as I undid his bandages. He had felt a little weak and decided to stay here an extra day. I could be wrong but I like to think it's so he knew I had an extra night of sleep.

"Like you could sleep worrying about him any way".

"Must you rub it in"?

"I'm not trying to. I'm trying to get you to see that keeping your feelings hidden are pointless".



"Yes, my eyes feel better and I want to make up for lost time. I'm still worried about Izuna but I can't wait for him forever". "I understand".

He stood up gathering his things and I did the same following him out of the room.

"Where to after this"? He asked as we stocked up on food. There was very little between the both of us and we needed to make sure we had enough considering we didn't know how long it would take us to get to the frost mountains.

"There's a village a few miles up ahead. We could ask for directions there". I said as I picked out fresh vegetables. "Sounds good". I nodded.



"Thank you". I turned my head towards him. "For what"? "For making sure i stayed safe". He smiled softly. Madara was actually smiling at me. Since the mission started this hadn't happened once or on accident. He was genuinely smiling at me. He was genuinely happy to be around me.

"You're welcome".

I was about to say something else while he continued to look at the nonperishable food items but was stopped by two boys running over to us. Before either Madara or I knew it they were holding onto our legs giggling. They were both about three years old, with born hair wheat skin and green eyes.

Twins huh

"Hi little ones". Madara said as we each picked them up. "What are your names"? "I'm Kenji". The one Madara was holding said. "I'm Renji". The one I was holding said. "It's nice to meet you both but what are you doing out here by yourselves"?

"Our grandma took us to see the ducks but we lost her. We know shinobi carry weapons so we ran over to you". Kenji said. "I see, we'll be happy to help the two of you look for her". I said. They smiled making us smile. "I'm Madara and this is my friend Hashirama". He said as we started walking off.

"How did you become a shinobi"? Renji asked. "We were both born into shinobi clans. My clan uses wood and water style while his uses fire and lightning". "So cool"! The boys said in unison. I smiled Madara chuckled.

"Can we be shinobi to one day"? Kenji asked. "If you train hard enough". Madara said. "I will. I promise I'll train as hard as I can". "Mhm! Me too". "I'm sure you both will make great shinobi one day". I smiled.

While continuing our walk the boys went on and on about all the fun things they do in the village. They told us that their parents died on a trip leaving their grandma to care for them.

They attend school here but it's a regular school not a ninja one, I don't think their are any villages that have ninja schools. I don't think their are any villages that are filled with ninja for that matter.

Maybe I can change that

Eventually the boys tired themselves out and ended up falling asleep on us. We didn't mind and ended up slowing our pace down.

"Kinda makes you want one huh"? He nodded. "I've always thought about having a family but it feels like I never have the time to start looking for the right person". "I see...........How many do you think you'll want"?

"As many as my partner can give me ideally. I want more then one though. I grew up in a big family and know how strong and important sibling bonds are. I want that for my kids. I want them to grow up supporting each other".

"I understand that completely. W what does your ideal partner look like"? "Someone that can keep up with me in battle, who is my equal and can keep me in check when I need it".

Someone who's also a woman right? I can't do that. I can't give him what he wants

When we came upon a small pond is when we were finally able to locate the twins's grandmother. She was sitting by the pond but looked up when she felt us approach.

"Kenji, Renji, oh thank you both so much". We handed the boys to her and she smiled holding them as they slept. "It was no problem at all".

"Aniki"? Madara and I both turned around.

Word Count: 1247

Maybe I Was Wrong To Judge You MadaHashi/ IzuTobiWhere stories live. Discover now