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Pain was surging through my body as I laid on the ground with blood slowly leaking out of me. I looked up at Kimiko as she helped my father out of his restraints and onto his feet.

"I should have known you were behind this as well".

"You shouldn't have lied to me about not knowing where your brother is. No one told me I just figured with Izuna being in a different village Tobi couldn't be too far from him".

"Madara will kill you when he finds out"? I glared at her. "I'm not worried about him and neither is Lord Butusama. He was right, you are nothing but problematic".

"Hashirama"! I looked up and watched as Mito came into the room and ran over to me. "M Mito". "It's ok, I'm here". She said as she looked over my wounds. "Don't pretend to care for him now". Kimiko said.

"I'm not pretending, unlike you, I actually care about Hashirama you just want Tobirama for his status that's it". "Your in no position to talk back bitch". She glared at her sister.

"Mito take my son to his room and tend to his wounds". "You don't control me, you nor my parents". She reached into her sleeve and used a smoke bomb to help us escape

I was slouched over her for support as she ran as fast as she could to the main house. We gathered the attention of everyone we met as she ran upstairs with me and rushed me to Madara's room. My hand was over the wound applying pressure as she placed me onto my side.

"Just breathe Hashi, your gonna be ok I promise". "H How do they know"? "I don't know but you and Izuna are both going to be ok I assure you of that. You know what they want don't you"? "I do but I can't agree to it until I talk to Madara first". "I understand".

"Hashirama"! Madara rushed into the room and immediately sat beside me holding my hand as Mito Examined me. "Are you ok? Who did this to you"?

"It was my sister, I'm sorry". "How and why"? "It was with a dagger. I don't know how but her and Butusama somehow figured out Hashirama was lying about not having talked with Tobirama". "Do you know if they're the ones that took Izuna"?

"No, I don't". "They want a baby". I groaned holding his hand. He sat in bed and held me. "We'll give him one then". "Madara". "Trust me, my love, I know what I'm doing". He looked at Mito. "Are you ok with this"? "I'll have to talk with Toka but yes".


My body was slightly shaking as I listened to the conversation from outside the room. I had sensed Mito's chakra running here fast but had no idea this was the reason why.

Hashirama's hurt. He was hurt because of me. Because Izuna and I had left. How did I not think this was a possibility? Of course, father would do something like this. He'd do anything to try and force Hashirama and I to bend to his will.

All he cares about his making sure his family looks perfect in the public eye. He has no idea what we're interested in nor does he care.

I shouldn't have left. If I hadn't aniki wouldn't be in pain and Izuna wouldn't be missing. There's a chance he's also in pain. Two people I care about most in this world are hurt because of me. This is all my fault. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.

"Nii San"?

I looked and saw Aki standing in front of me worried. Without saying a word she hugged me. I took her into my arms and hugged her back tight. "Aniki's gonna be ok, you know that".

I don't know what to think Imoto

"Your sister's right Tobirama". Mom said coming over to hold us both. "Hashirama is strong, he won't let something like this stop him. It's simply a setback". She kissed my head.

"I want Izuna". I whispered. "He'll return to you soon, I promise. Your boyfriend is one of the strongest Uchiha there are. He'll come back".


"Aaahhh"! I screamed out loud as a dagger was jabbed into my side. "Tell me where he is!? Where do you have him hidden at"!?

"I'm not telling you a dam thing. Since you don't know where he is means he's safe from you and his toxic father". She hit me with a whip. Slash marks started to form on my face, chest arms, and legs as she moved it in different directions.

"You're the reason he doesn't love me! You've polluted his mind! Why can't you just leave us alone"!? "One, we've known each other since we were kids, two, a person has no control over who they fall in love with and three I could ask you the same thing.

If anything you're hurting him the most. Tobirama is sensitive there's only so much he can take". She hit me again. "Your the one that made him that way"! "No, his father did. He and his siblings have been abused for years by Butusama".

"Lord Butusama". "I will never use his title when addressing him, I can't wait for Hashirama to become clan leader so he can get rid of him". "That will never happen. Lord Butusama will become one of the Senju elders after stepping down". "We'll see".

Word Count: 918

Maybe I Was Wrong To Judge You MadaHashi/ IzuTobiWhere stories live. Discover now