Traveling Together

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"Tsukiyama"? I called out to my wife as I searched the compound for her. "I'm in here dear". She called from our room. I made my way to her and took notice to Aki sleeping in her lap. "My princess looks exhausted". I said as I went sit next to them.

"Mhm, she was up late last night".


"Something like that".

"What do you mean"?

She was quiet for a while.

"Tsukiyama"? She didn't look at me. "Hashirama and Tobirama are gone. They went on a mission together". "That's fine just as long as it's not that stupid mission to save Tajima's brat". She still didn't look at me.

I could feel my blood boil more and more as I looked at her. My wife, the mother of my children had betrayed me by letting our sons go off with the enemy. It didn't help that she held Aki in her arms while moving away from me.

"You can be angry with me all you want but I don't regret my decision. That little girl needs help and our sons want to help". "They have responsibilities here"! "I'll take over for them until they come back". "You're not a shinobi. You can't possibly handle their responsibilities. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go and fix the mess you caused". I slammed the door on my way out.


The four of us walked in complete silence. Madara and Izuna were up ahead of us while we walked a respectful distance behind them. It's only been a day since we left but the tension between us and them is very evident.

I can feel the anger coming off Izuna. It feels like a heavy blanket being wrapped around me as I'm surrounded in darkness and being weighed down by a ton of weights that keep piling on top of one another.

I can't begin to imagine what must be going through your mind. Members of my family are responsible for hurting your beloved little sister and now you have to rely on my brother and I to make sure you both stay alive.

I don't care how you may feel about me I promise I'll help you to the best of my abilities.......and hopefully earn a little bit of your trust back while I'm at it. We used to be so close but I had to go and fuck it all up. What's worse, I don't even remember doing it? It's all a blank to me.


He didn't say anything but from time to time I could see Madara looking back at me from the corner of his eye. Izuna was doing the same thing to Tobirama but I don't think he noticed. It was clear he was deep in thought. I had a feeling I knew what it was about but didn't want to assume.

His mental state wasn't the best right now and I didn't want to do anything that could accidentally make it worse. I just hope Izuna doesn't say or do anything that will be damaging to him. Despite his build and attitude, Tobirama is the gentlest person I know. There's a lot of things he can't handle. Not on his own at least.

My attention went back to the Uchiha brothers when I noticed Izuna whispering to his brother, he nodded in agreement before looking back at me to make sure I wasn't doing anything. It hurt knowing he didn't trust me. He has good reason to considering I slashed his eye but it still hurt.

At least when this is over with you won't have to deal with me anymore. Ryuko will be all better and you can go back to hating me again. I just wish you would give me the opportunity to be there for you. I know you. I know you're being strong for Izuna and not allowing yourself to feel what you need to feel.

What's more your good at hiding it? Izuna will never be able to pick up on it but I can. You could never hide anything from me but I know if I say something you'll lash out and I would have only made a bigger mess for myself.

I subconsciously held onto Ruoye for comfort as I walked. Not many people knew this but when I was younger I found out I was the reincarnation of the crown prince of Xianle, Xie Lian.



"Look aniki, I was finally able to do it"! Ryukio said excitedly. It was just the two of us in the forest together. Izuna was at home helping our mom with our younger siblings. Ryuko had come to me early in the morning asking if I could train her and I agreed.

We headed out before sunrise, found a area that was good for practicing and I watched proudly as she took down each of the moving targets I made for her but what made me the proudest was seeing her use a fire jutsu for the first time.

Her flames were bright and strong despite her being so young. She smiled big afterwards and ran into my arms hugging me. "I'm so proud of you Ryu". "I'm going to soon catch up to you and Izuna Nii". "I can't wait for that day to come". "I love you aniki". "I love you too imoto".

End of flashback

I swear I'll do whatever I have to to save you. I won't let anything else happen to you

"Your zoning out again". Izuna whispered to me. "I promise you I'm fine. We just need to focus on moving forward". "We need to focus on finding a place to sleep tonight, we've been walking nonstop since we left. It'll be nightfall in a few hours".

"We're trained for this". He grabbed my arm and came stood in front of me. His eyes held nothing but seriousness as we stared back at each other. "I'm worried about her too you know". "I know you are". "Then fucking at like it".

I looked back at the Senju brothers. They said nothing as they witnessed the dispute between Izuna and I. I looked at Hashirama and couldn't help but wonder what was going through his mind.

"We're going to set up camp in the village up ahead". I started walking and they followed. "Thank you".

"Welcome gentlemen, What brings you to our village"? A young woman about the age of twenty-two asked greeting us. She was average height, had a slim figure with long blonde hair and green eyes.

"We were hoping to speak with your village chief". "What business do you have with him"? "None, we're merely travelers passing by". She gave us an unsure look before walking off.

We followed behind her as she led us to our destination but were greeted with suspicious looks. I don't blame them. One look at the crests on Izuna and I's back and people automatically don't like us. It's fine by me, I don't need to be liked be anyone. It'll just lead to more heartache.

Once at the chef's residence, we followed her inside. She walked down the hall and stopped at a door that was on the left.

"Sir, visitors are here to see you".

"Send them in".

She slid open the door and stepped aside allowing us to walk in. Izuna sat next to me on a Zabuton pillow while Tobirama and Hashirama sat behind us. He was an elderly man in his early sixties with long white hair, matching beard, and gray eyes.

"Your names"?

"Madara Uchiha, eldest son to Tajima and Misa Uchiha. This is my younger brother Izuna Uchiha and behind us are our traveling companions Hashirama and Tobirama Senju. We were hoping to stay at the Lake outside of the village for the night. We'll be leaving in the morning".

"By all means take as much time as you'd like. Traveling can be hard on the body and you need as much rest as you can get. If you need anything don't be afraid to ask". "Thank you, sir". We stood up, bowed to him, and left.

"That was a whole lot easier than I expected". Izuna said. "Not everyone hates your clan. This is a small village, there probably aren't any shinobi here". Tobirama said carefully. "Yeah well, when you grow up having to be careful around people for better or worse you grow up to be guarded".

"Especially when you do allow yourself to trust someone only to he stabbed in the back later on". Hashirams was about to say something in protest but didn't.

Word Count: 1447

Maybe I Was Wrong To Judge You MadaHashi/ IzuTobiWhere stories live. Discover now