Comforting Him

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I couldn't keep this kind of information to myself, she needed to know the kind of man he was. I went looking for her outside in the garden but didn't see her. I then made my way back upstairs and headed to her bedroom and found her reading a book by the window still.

"Hashirama, I thought you were out for the day". She smiled putting the book down. "I was but I came to talk to dad about something and I strongly believe you need to know about it as well so you can plan accordingly". "Ok but what's going on"?

I went sit next to her holding both her hands. "Mom I love you and would do anything to protect you. You did your best protecting us from dad and for that, I will be forever grateful but it's time you finally leave him, he's too dangerous to be around.

Tobirama sent me a letter earlier today explaining why he's been gone for so long. He's afraid to come home because he doesn't want dad brainwashing him again, that's why he can't remember hurting Izuna. He's afraid that if he does come back that dad will do it again and this time Izuna might die or me for that matter.

I don't blame him, him being away from home is the safest option for him right now and you need to leave as well. I'll help you get a house away from here, I don't care where but you and Aki need to go, today mom. Kwarama and Itama are old enough to handle him she's not". 

She smiled at me gently placing her hands on top of mine. "Thank you for telling me this sweetie, If I'm being honest I should have left your father when you were born but I'm so thankful to have your younger brothers and sister. I'll tell Aki and we'll start packing right away".

"Let me talk to Madara I just need a day, he can help". "Ok". She kissed my head.

I headed home as fast as I could and immediately went looking for Madara. I found him in our room laying down with only his pants on. I closed the door locking it and could hear him sitting up with my back turned to him.

"Something happened"? "I don't want to talk about it right now I just need to know that I'm yours". "Come here".

I made my way to him, straddled his lap, and kissed him while cupping his face. His hands were on my hips as he kissed me back sticking his tongue into my mouth. "Mmm". Back and forth our tongues fought each other for dominance. 

My hands found their way to his shoulders and gently squeezed as I felt his hand pump my member. "Ah". My eyes opened to see his obsidian ones filled with mischief as a smirk played on his lips. "Madara ah". I moved one of my hands to his clothed crotch and palmed him.

"Mm, good boy". He grunted. "But right now is about you". He pushed me onto my back while kissing my neck. "Ah". My pants were pulled down as I felt his hand pump me harder. "M Madara". "Your Nadara, your forever and always, I'll never let anyone come between us. Your to precious to me".

"Fuck". I whispered. "So beautiful". I grabbed ahold of his arm while staring up at the ceiling. "Just like that, just focus on the pleasure that's filling your body". "Madara. Ma dara". "Yes, Hashi". He praised while kissing my shoulder.

"I I want you". "Not yet baby boy". He kissed my chest. I whimpered. "Ah". "So beautiful. So so beautiful". He kissed down my stomach. My body felt hot with each pump and kiss he gave me. His eyes held my gaze captive as my body surrendered underneath his touch.

I grabbed ahold of his arm and let out strangled moans as I came all over his hand. He flipped me over onto all fours and in a matter of seconds our clothes were off.

"Ready"? I nodded my head and let out a gasp as I felt him fill me all the way. "Madara". He trusted in and out fast. "Madara"! I screamed out but soon had my mouth covered with his cum filled hand. "As much as I would enjoy hearing you scream for me we're not home alone and Ryuko's too young to know what sex is. Don't worry I'll still be able to understand you it'll just be muffled". He whispered in my ear.

"Aahh aahh"! "Just like that, good boy". "Ugh ah". "Does it feel good Hashi? Does it feel good having my hug cock dominate your body like this"? "Y yes". He kissed down my back. "We didn't get the chance to do this before did we gege"? I shook my head.

"It was worth the wait oohh". "You were as well gorgeous". "Madara"! I looked up at the ceiling dazed. "More, more, don't stop. Please don't stop". He went harder. "Ooohhh fuck! Yes"!

"That's right scream for daddy just like that you slut". "It feels so fucking good inside me". I pushed back against it as much as I could. "Ooohhh yes! Yes Madara yes"! He kissed my back shoulder blades and I let out a loud muffled scream as he pumped me.

"San Long"! "Are you close"? I nodded and he pumped me faster. My breath caught in my throat as I came all over the covers with my eyes rolling back and he came in me.

"He took me into his arms and held me close as he covered us both.

"Wanna tell me what's wrong now"? "My father brainwashed Tobi, I told my mom and she agrees with me that her and Aki need to move". "I'll give them a house here, that way they'll be safe and our sisters can see each other all the time".

"Thank you, Mada". "Anything for my precious Senju".

Word Count: 1007

Maybe I Was Wrong To Judge You MadaHashi/ IzuTobiWhere stories live. Discover now