Heading Out

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The scar over my eye ached as I clenched the bathroom sink tight. It wasn't often my injury bothered me but today was one of those rare days. I had been in a deep sleep when it woke me early in the morning. I rushed to the bathroom without waking Ryuko thankfully and applied the medical cream my mother had bought for me over it.

Dam you Hashirama, your lucky I didn't end up going blind

"Is it your eye again"? Izuna asked coming into the bathroom to meet me. He lifted up my head and moved my bangs to the side to inspect it. "I was hoping it would've faded away but no, looks like your stuck with it". "Just great". I mumbled.

"I checked on Ryuko, she's still shaking but at least she's asleep". I sighed. "That is good news. She'll need as much rest as she can get". "..........I wish it were me instead". "You and me both but thinking like that isn't going to help her, us going after the Snow Lilly will".

He nodded. There was a soft knock at the door followed by the voice of one of my younger brothers. "Aniki, Nii San, Father wishes to speak with you both". It was Ren. "We'll be right there". I looked at him and he nodded.

Once there the two of us sat side by side while he sat on his legs across from us. "Do the two of you know why I've called you here"? "I'm assuming it has to do with our request for a medical ninja"? "It does, two medical ninja will be accompanying you instead of one".

"Why two"? Izuna asked. "What if something happens to you both simultaneously. One medic can't heal and protect you both at the same time". "As long as they're qualified I could care less. I just want Ryuko feeling better". "I feel the same way". Izuna said.

"Very well said my boys but I must warn you that they're both from the Senju clan". "That changes nothing for me".

As long as it's not him I should be fine


"How long will you and Aniki be gone"? Ryu asked curled up next to me. "I won't lie to you, it'll take us some time to get to the mountains from here but knowing you I know your strong enough to keep fighting until we get back. Besides, you'll have Mom and the rest of our brothers here with you".

"I don't want you and Aniki getting hurt". She hid her face from me. "I can't promise you that won't happen but I can promise we'll do our best not to let it happen and even if we do we'll have two strong medics with us. We're gonna be ok and so are you".

"Ok, Nissan". I kissed her head before getting out of bed, grabbed my bag, and headed outside to meet our brother. "How is she"? He asked as he leaned against the open entranceway to the compound. I gave him a sad look.

"Worried and if I'm being honest so am I. We're going after something that could be a myth". "It has to be real, Ryuko needs that flower". I nodded my head and we left.

We traveled through the trees on our way to the meeting spot. We had requested for them to meet us there separately in fear of enemy ninja attacking us. They were supposed to head there once they had all their supplies and wait for us.

What I didn't expect was for it to be them who had taken us up on the offer. Both Madara and I's mangekyou activated as we landed on the same branch as them.

"What's the meaning of this Hashirama? Why are you here"? I watched as my brother's ex friend walked closer towards him and kneeled down and lowered his head. "I know you're still furious with me for what I did to you and I know you think Aki lured your little sister into a trap but I promise you that's not the case.

Aki thinks of Ryuko as her sister. When she comes home from playing with her she goes on for hours talking about the fun exciting things they did together. She's devastated. She hates the fact she can't go to her friend and sit with her.

All she wants is for Ryuko to get better and believe it or not I want the same thing. You need a medic and we're the best qualified for the job". He looked up at him. "And once your missions complete you can take your revenge on me if that's what you still want".

I was a little taken aback but didn't let it show. "Tch, you almost blinded him and your brother over there almost killed me, I still have the scar on my waist to prove it". "Izuna". Tobirama called getting my attention.

Just like his older brother, he kneeled lowering his head. "Our father doesn't know we're here. Our mother was the one that told us of this mission. I don't know her nor have I ever seen her before but I'm making the same vow with you as Hashirama's making with Madara. My life is in your hands. I just don't want an innocent child to suffer".

I sighed crossing my arms. "I hate to admit it but they have a point. They are the best when it comes to medical ninjutsu". "If I get so much as a hint that the two of you are lying". "You won't, I promise". Hashi said pleadingly. "Very well then". Madara and I took off ahead while they followed behind.

Word Count: 955

Maybe I Was Wrong To Judge You MadaHashi/ IzuTobiWhere stories live. Discover now