Moving Forward

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My head hurt as I came to. The last thing I remember was Robert coming after us and a explosion going off while we fought.

"Izuna? Hashi"? I looked around to see if I could find any of them but the only person I was able to find was Izuna. He was unconscious as he laid on the grass. I immediately made my way over to him and checked him over for any injuries.

I sighed a breath of relief when I didn't see any but had a feeling he wouldn't be able to use the sharingan anytime soon. "Oh no, did Robert beat me to it? I swear he always gets all of the fun".

Alex to huh

"Watter barrier". I surrounded Izuna in a water sphere that would allow him to breathe and keep him safe from any attacks Alex might aim at him. "Rest as long as you need to. I'll take care of this for you". I spoke gently making sure he could only hear me.

"Oh, are we bringing him back home that way? I guess all we have to do left is go help Lord Hashirama with Madara then". "We're not going to do a dam thing. Water slicer"! Blades of water flew threw the air at him but he was able to jump up dodging them.

"You're really going to side with the enemy"? "He's not my enemy. "Water style, water fang bullet"! I made the hand signs and created multiple water bullets that spun in the air and moved at fast speeds towards their target.

"Mud wall"! Just like last time a wall appeared blocking my attack. "Water dragon whip"! An orb of water formed in front of me and launched various whips out of it. The whips managed to move around the wall and I listened as I heard the sound of a whip make contact with skin over and over again.

I smirked but soon saw wooden planks aimed at me from the sky. "Water forge technique"! Water surrounded my blade as I unscathed it and used it to cut each one of the planks into.

He charged at me but I easily stepped out of the way. "Wild water wave"! I shot out a stream of water from my mouth that easily hit his back and knocked him into a tree. I looked at him then back at Izuna who was still asleep.

I need to make sure he doesn't go after him again.

"Water style, waterfall"! A massive wave of wave of water appeared from the sky, I then turned it into a whirlpool which spun him around, up into the air, and dropped him hard once it was done.

"Izuna"! I rushed back to him, released the jutsu, and held him in my arms so he'd be a little more comfortable. Probably not but it best laying on the grass. "Mmm Aniki"? He opened his eyes slightly, completely dazed and confused.

"He's not here. The explosion separated the four of us". His eyes widened in shock as he processed everything I said. He pushed away from me and immediately started searching for him. When he couldn't his body started shaking causing him to fall to his knees.

"N no".

I took a look for him.

"They're a few miles away from us but with the condition you're in it'll be safer if we travel south and meet up with them. Hashirama's with him, he'll be fine". He looked back at me then took a look at Alex. "You protected me"?

"I did". I made my way over to him, placed my hands over his eyes healing them, and wrapped them for him. "I made a promise to you that I don't intend on breaking. You can trust me and you can trust Hashirama with Madara".

"I have no choice but to".


"Hmm, Madara? Tobi"? Everything was hazy as I slowly came to. I looked around and saw that we were in a open space with trees nearby. The first person I noticed was Madara. He was lying unconscious on the grass completely exposed.

I tried looking for Tobi and Izuma but it was clear the blast from earlier separated the four of us. On instinct, I made my way over to him, healed his eyes, and wrapped them while he slept.

I hope he doesn't freak out too much when he wakes up

"What are you doing Lord Hashirama"?

"What are you doing here Christian? I'm on a mission if you can't tell".

"I have orders to bring you and lord Tobirama back".

"Yeah, that won't be happening. Wood style, wood cage". I created a shield around Madara but left enough space open for him to breathe.

"Water missle"! Bullets of water came flying towards me. I created a wall of vines to block it. "Attacking me with my back turned? Very noble". I said turning around.

"Of course, it's you after all"!

"I'm flattered".

"Splinter verage"! Thousands of sharp splinters flew out of the wall towards him but he easily blocked them. "Earth style, mud ball"! A giant ball of mud appeared into the air and came flying towards me. "Wood style, wood golem".

I made the hand signs and my golem appeared out of the ground and stood in front of Madara's barrier as a second barrier of protection. I had no idea if anyone else was going to show up and wanted to be prepared. I focused my chakra onto it and with no trouble at all it lifted its fist and shattered the ball causing mud to go everywhere.

"Earth style, earth dragon bullet"! A mud dragon came flying at us but my golem was able to get rid of that as well. "Earth spear"! "Wooden vine". Vines sprouted out of my hands and circled their way around the wooden arrow that was flying in the air stopping it.

"Please stop this nonsense, your wasting my time". "Wind style hurricane"! My golem moved both it's hands dispersing it.

"I didn't want to have to do this but, wood dragon". My dragon emerged out of the ground, wrapped itself around him, and squeezed him until he passed out. I jumped down releasing every one of my jutsu's and headed over to Madara.

"Hm, what's going on"? He asked groggily which soon turned to fright as he sat up quickly. "Izuna"! He turned his head looking for his brother. My heart hurt hearing his voice be filled with nothing but fear. "Izuna"!?

"The four of us were separated. From their chakra I can feel their heading south. All we have to do is head that way and meet up with them". I placed my hand on his arm. "Hashi". "I'm here with you. I won't let anyone hurt you but you must rest your eyes for now".

He nodded and I helped him to his feet.

He called me Hashi


"That's it.......just like that.....A little more, you're doing great". I said encouragingly as I watched Aki practice water style. She had already been able to make a rock slide and vine wall, I wanted to see what else she was capable of. Thankfully she was a natural like her two eldest brothers.

I smiled proudly as I watched the small bubble of water expand into a medium-sized one without her even trying.

Chakra manuplitation as well? I haven't even taught her how to do that one yet............ Your brothers are going to be in for a shock when they get home.

I smirked.

Word Count: 1267

Maybe I Was Wrong To Judge You MadaHashi/ IzuTobiWhere stories live. Discover now