Chapter 20 - Mission: Save Him

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Y/n's POV

It was quiet.

Dead quiet.

You sunk into the shadows and stared at the large monotone building. It seemed to what appeared to be an abandoned clothing factory. It was on the outskirts of town, and your heart skipped a beat knowing Player is in there.

Carmen, Ivy, Zack, & Shadowsan also gaped at the building. "Alright, team. Here's the plan. Zack, you stay here and keep watch. After we secure Player, you'll be our getaway driver (like always). The rest of us will go inside the building. We'll split up in pairs to search for Player. Me with Y/n & Ivy with Shadowsan. Remember, be careful and don't get caught."

Everyone nodded to Carmen's short overview of the plan and started heading out to the building. Zack stayed behind, knowing he'll come inside if he has to.

But first, before you all enter the building, there were 2 men with mops in front of the entrance. Ivy offered to knock them both out, but Carmen shook her head and advised to break in another way.

And so everyone listened, and Team Red crawled through a window and through some vents. You've never thought you'd do this ever in your life, but honestly, it makes you feel like a brave hero.

Once everyone was inside, you split up into pairs. Ivy with Shadowsan & you with Carmen. Your stomach was doing flips from how anxious you were about this. But you keep reminding yourself that this is for Player's sake. And so, you have to do this. For Player.

Carmen rushed through the halls, the dimly lit building being filled with cobwebs & dust. You struggled to keep up with her stealth. You both looked around, keeping an eye out for Player, being careful not to get caught. Your heart quickens as you think about what Player could be doing right now.

"Y/n! Look out!" Carmen warns as you look behind you & see a person running directly towards you with a crowbar. You become startled, and at the last second, you quickly jump out of the way. The person ends up tripping and falling.

With one swift swoop, Carmen kicks the person in the head, officially knocking them out. You catch your breath, trying to calm down your racing heart.

"Let's keep moving, y/n. There could be more," Carmen instructs. You nod and look at the person on the floor. They were pale & looked old, and you couldn't help but feel bad. You bent down and stole their crowbar before following Carmen.

You and Carmen then arrive at a stairwell. Coincidentally, there's another person walking up the stairs at the same time you two arrived. The person gets into a fighting stance and charges at Carmen, but she quickly dodges & pulls them into a headlock. She knocks them out with her knee and drops the body to the floor.

"Woah, you're so cool!" You can't help but admire Carmen's elegant moves. The way she easily wipes out enemies & knocks them out makes your heart flutter. She really was a skilled spy.

Carmen smiles. "Thanks, you're pretty cool yourself." She heads down the stairs with you following behind her, trying to mimic the way she gracefully runs. Carmen was exactly like a real heroine from comic books, and you feel honored to be by her side.

Suddenly, Carmen comes to an abrupt stop. You halt, looking at what she's looking at. Your eyes widen as you stare at the army of minions & a distinguished figure leading them.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" The person laughed maniacally. It seemed to be a woman with a white mohawk and gloves. She had fashionable goggles & a menacing lab coat. She was a bit short, but pretty intimidating. You got bad vibes from this woman.

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