Part 1<3

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Changbin just got back from the gym, he went straight home and took a shower. He had planned to go to the bakery earlier but he lost track of time while working out, Changbin put on his comfortable clothes and drove to the bakery. As he was walking inside he was accompanied by BangChang and Han, " What took you so long, we almost drank your smoothie" says BangChan

 As he was walking inside he was accompanied by BangChang and Han, " What took you so long, we almost drank your smoothie" says BangChan

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"Let me rephrase that he did drink your smoothie, but we ordered another one" implies Han

Changbin death stares at BangChan for drinking his smoothie " You literally have an unfinished smoothie right in front of you, why did you drink mine!" Says Changbin in a whiny voice

" Binnie I got your brownies and Hannie's cheesecake!" Yells Felix

Felix owns the bakery, mostly because he loves baking but he gets tired and lazy when there's a lot of people in the bakery. Luckily he found a worker who can help him out.

" Thanks Yongbok" Says Changbin

Changbin then took the brownies and cheesecake and set it down at the table, Han eyes widened at the cheesecake about to grab and eat it whole. When Changbin took a fork full of cake and ate it, Han glared at Changbin in shock

" That's karma" Said Changbin

" Not fair! I didn't even drink your smoothie!" Says Han sulking

" I don't care, you witnessed him drinking it"

Bangchan smiled at them bickering

" Why are you smiling, you think this is funny" Han says jokingly

Bangchan and Changbin start giggling at Han's face

"Yohh, Yongbok when's the new employee going to start!" Yelled Changbin

" Ummm, oh! Tomorrow" Says Felix

Han and Chan were yapping about the new employee when the door suddenly opened. A tall, long-haired boy and another boy a little shorter than him with short hair walks in.

" Yang Jeongin!" Yelled Han with excitement

Felix smiled as the tall boy walked up to him

" Hyunjinie" said Felix cutely

Hyunjin took his hand, placed on Felix's cheek and squeezed gently

" Annyeong, are you ready to go?" asked Hyunjin

" Yeah!" said Felix

Hyunjin and Felix walked out the store while waving bye to the other boys, as Jeongin began his shift at the Bakery.

" Alright, me and Binnie are leaving now!" Says Han to BangChan and Jeongin

Changbin and Han leave the bakery on their way to the mall. When they walk past the dance studio two boys dancing inside, Changbin stops and stares from the window, so does Han. They're under the spell of the other boy's dance moves. Suddenly they got awakened by a deadly stare from one of the boys dancing and they ran away so fast.

" Omg! They dance so good" Says Han

" The one with death staring at us is kinda scary though.." Says Changbin

" Yeah.." Says Han with a little smirk on his face

Changbin looked at him with one eyebrow up and a confused face. After that they entered the mall and ran around, they also stopped at the foodcourt to get some food and boba. And when they were down they got a an uber back home

" Cya Hannie!" Says Changbin as he waves goodbye for the night

Changbin walks to his door to his empty house, he goes to wash up and heads to sleep after a long day.

The Next Morning

Changbin woke up with the blankets all to the side where he was sleeping with his legs wrapped around an extra pillow he had. He washed up and brushed his teeth, his muscles felt sore from working out yesterday. He changed into his gray sweatshirt and baggy jeans.

He made himself a protein shake and drank it up quickly, and headed out to the bakery

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He made himself a protein shake and drank it up quickly, and headed out to the bakery. Once Changbin got there Felix was behind the counter making some brownies and Hyunjin and Han were complaining about Chan's leather jacket, how "emo" it was.

" Changbin don't you think Chan's jacket looks emo" Says Han

Changbin glanced at BangChan who looks like he about to cry

" That jacket is very emo" Implies Changbin

" I told you" Says Hyunjin

Bangchan took off his jacket after minutes of bullying

" YongBokie when the worker is going to come!" Yells Hyunjin

" He should be here any second" Says Felix

Then the door opens wide and a tall, brown hair boy with a little blonde tip on his hair enters the bakery. They all stare at the beauty the boy has as he walks up the counter.

" Here he is!" Says Felix

Of course he met Felix to get the job, All the boys except Hyunjin just continued to stare at the brown-haired boy as he walked around the counter to the staff only closet.

" Why so quiet all of a sudden?" Asks Felix

The brown-haired boy then comes back with an apron with a tag name that says " Seungmin" on it. Felix hands Seungmin a plate of cake and ice tea.

" Here take this to that table over there" Says Felix as he points at the table

Changbin stared at the boy as he served the other table.

-I'll post the next chapter tomorrow- 


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