Part 6<3

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Seungmin's POV

As I was walking down to my house which is about a few minutes away I notice a vendor along with a familiar figure waving to me. Changbin..

He seems very loud even though it's after midnight, this guy. I walk over to him, greeting him.

" Want some fish cakes?" He asks in a gentle tone

" Sure" I reply

" Two cups of fish cakes please" He tells the vendor owner

And quickly pays, he gave me one of the hot fish cakes.

" Thank you" I say giving him a smile.

He just kept on staring at my face

" What, is there something on my face?" I ask worriedly

" Mhm" He says with a smile

I panic and start wiping with my hand. Then Changbin took at his hand from his pocket and grabbed my chin and continued to rub his thumb on my face.

At this very moment I took the chance took look at the muscular boy of how his hair is messy and covers his eyes a little, and his coat that that's to small for his muscle, or how his lips look so kissable matter fact he's not even that short now that I'm up close. He low key got me feeling some type of way-

" You dreaming about me?" He asks

And then come to realization that his thumb left my lips a while ago and I've just been staring at all his features.

Changbin's POV

To be honest Seungmin didn't have anything on his face but beauty but when when he asked if there something there I took my chance and my hand reacted and started to caress his soft lips.

Time skip

As we ate our fish cakes we made small conversations which turned into long stories or past moments. Not only was he pretty but has a great personality and when he smiled I swear times stoped he's to cute for this world.

" Minnie, you should go in your house now" I say to him

" But it's to late to be wondering back home" He replies back

" I planned on going to the gym early today though" I say to him

" it's already 2:10am, come and stay over as long as you want" He says with a worried face

He's to adorable to decline his offer and who wouldn't want to be close to him.

" Alright, Minnie" I say with a soft tone

He puts down his head but I can his red skin from the corner of my eye, I smirked to myself and entered his house. It wasn't big but wasn't to small a little medium.

 It wasn't big but wasn't to small a little medium

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( Seungmin's house)

When you entered it had a sweet smell of lavender and Seungmin's scent. And I took off my shoes and jacket where he told me to and went to his bedroom while he took a shower. I made myself at home like he told me and laid down on top of the bed and felt my eyes get heavier.

Seungmin's POV

I finished showering and open the door to sleeping Changbin laying to the right side where I can see him face to face. I dried my hair quickly, I laid myself beside him and covered us with a warm blanket. I stared at his sleeping face where our face were so closer that our nose were an inch from touching. I turned off the bed side light and fell sound asleep keeping distance from black hair male who is sleeping peacefully.

 I turned off the bed side light and fell sound asleep keeping distance from black hair male who is sleeping peacefully

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(This is what Changbin looks like)

(This is what Changbin looks like)

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( And this Seungmin era)

-Anyways sorry for the late post-


The Boy At The Bakery ~SeungBin~Where stories live. Discover now