Part 2<3

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As Seungmin served other tables the elder stared at him. It was about 10:00 am, and they didn't order anything for the two hours they were there. 

" I could totally go for an ice americano right now" Says Han

" Samee" Implies Changbin

Chan sighed at the two boys, Hyunjin, they got up from his chair and walked to the counter.

" Lixie, baby can I get 4 iced americanos" Says Hyunjin

" Of course, what size?" Asks Felix with a smile on his face

" Medium please" Says Hyunjin

Changbin was confused about what Hyunjin was trying to do.

" Alright, I'll have Seungmin give them to you!" Says Felix

When Changbin realized what Hyunjin did he started to panic, but he didn't know why. Seungmin made Changbin's heart beat just by thinking of him. Hyunjn kissed Felix on the cheek and stayed there chit chatting. After Felix finished making the americanos while talking to Hyunjin, he called Seungmin to give the table their drinks. The tall boy put the drinks on the tray and walked over to Changbins table.

Changbin POV

The closer he got, the faster my heart started beating. When he got to the table I wanted to look away, but I couldn't stop myself from looking at his dark brown eyes and his puffy pink lips.

He placed the americanos down on the table, I couldn't pull my eyes away from his delicate face, I wanted to stare at him for hours.  Out of nowhere his eyes focus on me, and we just look at each other.

Seungmin POV

As I was serving the table I was assigned to, I noticed I black hair male, shorter than me, staring directly at me. There was something about him that made me feel warm. I couldn't just ignore him, so I turned my head to his direction and looked him in his eyes. After a minute of us staring at each other I could sense the other people at the table looking at us but I don't think he cared, an uneasy feeling inside me knowing the fact there's people looking at me and probably judging me. I gave him a smile, a smile... I do that when I'm nervous, it's a habit. I just walk away from their table back to the counter where Felix hyung was, I look back at him. I was a bit shocked that the black hair boy was still staring, I couldn't help but blush. I think Felix hyung noticed the little red in my face.

" Why so red all of a sudden" He asked with a devious smile

" What's the black hair boy name at that table" I asked Felix hyung

Felix hyung seemed to know the pair of guys at the table, well probably because Hyunjin was there. Me and Felix have been friends for about two months, whenever he asked to hang out with his friend I would decline. I don't like to socialize but at the same time I don't want to be lonely, you know?

" The black hair muscular one is Changbin, the tall blond haired one is BangChan, the squirrel looking one with brown hair is Jisung, and the handsome, pretty, beautiful-" Answers Felix before I cut him off

" Yeah, yeah" I Say in an annoyed tone

Changbin huh he's really..

" Cute" I mumble while looking at Changbin

" Huh, who's cute, Changbin?" Asks Felix hyung with a confusing face

I ignored Felix hyung and worked until my shift ended.

No ones POV

Seungmin finished up his shift. But when he looked out from the window of the store he saw a pink, reddish sunlight. He went off saying bye to Felix and Hyunjin, but instead went to the back of the bakery where in front laid a lake.

The tall boy stood there in silence and daydreamed while looking at the sky, and it's beautiful radiant colors reflected off it

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The tall boy stood there in silence and daydreamed while looking at the sky, and it's beautiful radiant colors reflected off it. He was so in thought he didn't even notice a person staring at him.

Changbin POV

I saw the cute bakery worker walk out of the store, I couldn't help but to feel a little upset that I can't keep on eyeing him.

" Wow, look at that sunset" Exclaims Chan

I looked over, It's so vibrant I had to take a picture of it.

" I'll be back you guys, I wanna take a picture of the sunset" I say while leaving the table

I walk out of the store and head to the back where I remember there's a lake. As I'm getting out my phone and opening the camera app, I try to get a perfect angle and look at the scenery. When my screen focuses on a tall male not too far from me just staring at the sky, I realize it's the bakery boy. I didn't know what to feel, I just focused on my phone that showed the brown hair boy glancing at the clouds with the sun's reflection in his eyes. My body just stays still, then he seems to collect his focus and sees I'm holding a camera in his face while he just stands there so mindfully.

-Sorry I posted late, I've been sick with a fever for the past days-


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