Part 3<3

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Seungmin POV

I completely dozed off in the clouds and I didn't notice a pair of eyes glancing at me from far away. I looked at the stranger with a phone covering his eyes. He then quickly put down his camera and bowed politely.

" I'm sorry, I didn't see you there, I just kind of froze!" Says the muscular male

As he bowed I realized it's the boy from the bakery who was staring at me, Changbin!

" It's okay, you can take your picture I'll be on my way" I say while walking

" Nah, you look like you were enjoying the sunset,I can always come tomorrow" He says in a gentle tone

I couldn't just decline his offer so I nodded at him and continued to look at the lake in front of me. I could hear footsteps coming closer behind me. A look to the left side of me and saw him looking at me with his black pearly eyes, I stared at him looking at all his features glowing in the sunset's light. He then took out his hand for me to shake, I hesitantly took out my hand from my front pocket and shook his hands with him. Even though the shake lasted at least seven seconds I could feel his muscle veins around my thumb as we shook hands and the fact he was trying to be gentle but his grip was tight. I blushed at his strength.

" I'm Seo Changbin" He says with a smile

" I'm Kim Seungmin" I say while smiling back

Changbin POV

After he introduced himself to me we just stood looking at the sunset or at least he did, I couldn't stop myself from looking at him from his shoes to his head. Everything about him was stunning, is it even possible to be this down bad?

The Next Morning

I woke up in my bed. I grasped my hand to the phone on the bed side table and looked at the time, 10:00am. It's not like I had any plans today except from going to the bakery, OMG! I remembered what happened yesterday at the lake. I better wash up and head to the bakery quickly.

Seungmin POV

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Seungmin POV

I've been serving tables since six o'clock, you would think people would come to only pick up cakes or cupcakes for birthday parties or something but no they actually sit here and order treats. I swear I've seen the same customers when I first came to the store, that's definitely not healthy. I'm a bit grumpy this morning. I'm behind the counter making an iced americano when a muscular male comes in with a tight black shirt showing his muscles all over his arms and waist.

 I'm behind the counter making an iced americano when a muscular male comes in with a tight black shirt showing his muscles all over his arms and waist

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It was Changbin, he looked so.... Hot. I went red all over, he then unexpectedly started walking over to the counter. I stopped working on the americano I was supposed to give a customer, and watched the male walk to the counter and put his hand over my forehead and rest it down.

" Your head is really hot, are you sick?" He asks concernedly

I blushed even harder with my eyes widened.

" No I'm fine, really" I say trying not to worry him

" Then why's your face burning-" He says before realizing why

He then smirks at the thought of me being flustered by his touch. He moves his hands to my cheek and uses his other to do the same thing, and cups my cheeks like theirs.

" Your really cute you know, like a puppy" Exclaims Changbin

I'm a flustered wreck, at this point I don't think I can go redder. And the worst part is I don't even know what to say back I'm just so nervous I end up doing this smile. Which made him smirk.

" Can you bark for me?" He says calmly

My eyes widen even more, what is he trying to do?! Barking is outrages, but if I don't I have a feeling I might be punished...

" Mung mung" I mumbled

Changbin faced lights up, he wasn't flustered, just surprised.

" You're so damn cute, you know that?" He says to while looking at my lips

" W RIZZ" yells Han from the table nearby

Felix POV

I left Seungmin at the counter to finish up some orders while I went to talk to Hyunjin and the others, mostly Hyunjin. We all continued to talk about how we're doing and so on, when Changbin walks in the store with his gym clothes on, going straight to the counter where Seungmin is at and puts his hand on Seungmin's head. I hit hyunjin to motion what's going on over there.

" Ow!" He squeals and then realized I'm trying to get his attention

He looks at my eyes that are glancing at the two boys at the counter. The whole table went silent as they looked at the lovely "couple" over there. We then heard Changbin telling Seungmin to bark for him.

" Oh nah" Says Chan

You could barely hear Seungmin but he let out a little "Mung Mung" causing my eyes to widen, he must feel very nervous.

" W RIZZ" Yells Han making the whole table crack up

-Alright that's it, sorry If I don't post daily I'll try my best-

-Also here's Seungmin bakery outfit if your wondering-

-Also here's Seungmin bakery outfit if your wondering-

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-pretends that's Seungmin face-


The Boy At The Bakery ~SeungBin~Where stories live. Discover now