Part 9<3

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Seungmin's POV

We finally made it to the studio where Minho hyung was practicing.

"Hyung! I brought some guests. Be nice.." I yell at him

I see Changbin and Han stare at each other with wide eyes and mouths open.

"Close your mouth" I say to them

Han's POV

As we enter the the dance room in the studio I see a quite familiar boy dancing, I then realize the time me and Changbin were walking to the mall and encountered the two boys doing a dance routine and got caught with a stanky look. I look at him in horror but some unknown blush came from my face for some reason. To be honest, I won't be fake that Minho guy is really hot. Changbin looks back at me with wide eyes open.

Changbin's POV

After putting the pieces of the puzzle together I hug on tight on Seungmin's waist from the back with my head on his shoulder. His mouth opens showing his cute little teeth smiling brightly. Kim Seungmin MARRY ME.

"Mmm, that's a little bit sussy" Says Han

"Jisung just admit your jealous" I reply

"Never!" He whines and ends up sitting on the floor leaning against the rooms wall.

"I said to be nice Binnie" Says Seungmin in a soft voice

"Sorry" I say feeling bad

I see the Minho guy takes A LOT of glances at Jisung, and so does Han back. I saw them look at each other for like a solid minute and blush after. I think Seungmin also notices and just smirks, cute.

Like 10 minutes forward

I stare at Seungmin as he moves his body to the beat or when he smiles when gets to a part that looks a little bit sussy and makes feel some type a way. Then my pockets start to vibrate, it's my phone with Chan calling me, I answer.

-"Sup, Wolf boy"-

-"Come over to the studio with Han, I'm finished with the song"-

-"But we're doing something important"-


Chan then hangs up

Ugh, how am I supposed to tell Seungmin I have to go. BANGCHANN!!.

I tell Han about the situation, he frowns, probably because he wants to stay to see the elder dance.

"I know, I know I also want to stay with Seungmin, while you want stay with Minho" I say teasingly

"What's that supposed to me" He asks with an eyebrow up

"Minnie" I try to say but not to loud, cause he doesn't like when I yell

"Yes, hyung" He replies

"An emergency came up, me and Jisung have to go" I say with a frown

"That's okay hyung just call me after your done" He says innocently

I grab his cheeks and cup them and wave goodbye with Han following me also waving bye to both of them.

Seungmin's POV

I wave off Changbin and Jisung hyungs and get back to Minho.

"I didn't know you were in a relationship" Says Minho hyung

"Huh me and Changbin, we're not dating" I say with a pink tone on my face

"I didn't know you had a thing for Jisung" I say teasing him

"Huh, shut up" He says and looks away to cover his blush

And we continue practicing.

-I don't know why but my writing energy comes early in the morning with zero sleep🤨-


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