Part 4<3

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Changbin POV

He's so cute! I wrap my hands around his cheeks. I hear Han in the background yelling "W RIZZ" which is true, I'm the rizzard but anyways. I could see Seungmin turn into a red tomato and quickly move his head away from my hands, he does his little waddle away to serve one of the customers at the table. I walk over to the pack of males at our usual spot.

" Han, you ruined it" I say to him

" He totally folded. '' He says back making the whole table giggle but Felix. He slaps me lightly on my shoulder which makes me groan in pain.

" Yooa" I screamed dramatically, making the whole store stare at me. Felix just gets up and walks back to the counter to his job, good.

Hyunjin POV

I could tell Yongbokie was annoyed by Changbin's actions and I knew the exact reason why, me and Seungmin have been close friends for about a couple of years. He struggled with making friends. I thought it was a trust issue thing but it's way more than that. It took me 4 months to fully gain his trust, but for Felix it was even longer, maybe 6 months. All I know is that Seungmin ran into Changbin yesterday at the lake and introduced himself and now they're like a couple I guess, I mean yeah it's kinda weird being close to a person who you met yesterday or something but I don't understand why Felix cares so much. I ran after him behind the counter.

" Yongbok, what's wrong" I ask him

" It's nothing" He replies back

" You can tell me anything, you know that baby" I say while caressing his cheek with my hand.

He takes my arm and holds it and hugs me tightly, I wrap my arms around his waist and place my head on his shoulder.

" Hyunjinnie, I'm worried. What if Seungmin gets hurt, what if Changbin is just playing him to see his reactions." He says in my ear while trying not to sob.

I pull away our chest, and place my hands on the top of his head. I ruffle his hair so that it's messy.

" We both know Seungmin is smart enough to not make dumb decisions, also Changbin would never do that. Under that muscular, hard outer body there's a baby girl inside there which we both know" I say jokily for Felix to calm down.

" Yeah, you're right" He exclaims before giving me a soft, gentle kiss on my lips.

We giggled after the kiss, then realized a pair of eyes staring at us. It was Seungmin looking at us with a smirk.

Seungmin POV

I came back after serving some customers when I saw Felix hyung and Hyunjin hyung kissing, those two...

I glance at them for a few minutes seeing if they would notice which they did. Felix hyung widened his eyes with shock after seeing I'm there but Hyunjin took his hand to Felix hyung's chin and moved it back into his face so their lips combined.

" Hey! If you guys keep on making out behind the counter the customers are never going to come in" I whinded so they could stop eating each other's mouths.

They finally stop devouring each other and catch a breath. I couldn't help but sigh.

" Lixie, I'm so single!" I whine dramatically

Hyunjin just rolled his eyes and chuckled.

" Hey, maybe Changbin over there can help with your problem" He says smirking

I blushed, Changbin who was staring at me from across the room where his table was and so was the rest of the boys there. Suddenly one of them yelled.

" Waiter! We liked to order" Yells Han I think? I call him squirrel boy

I look back at Felix hyung and Hyunjin hyung, Hyunjin hyung had his arm wrapped around Lixie's hyung waist. He was whispering in his ear something about me and Changbin probably, but then Felix hyung started blushing and acting weird. Honestly I don't plan on hearing what they're saying or plan on staying, so I went to the loud customers at that one table and I slowly regretted it.

" Can I get you guys anything?" I ask politely

" hmm? How about your number? "says Changbin with a smirk that flustered me a little.

" Anything else" I ask looking down

" I could go for some Ice tea!" Yells Han

Chan, who I've met before, he's a friendly guy. Hits squirrel boy for his super loud voice that made Hyunjin hyung cover his ears.

" Aurgg " whines Han in pain

Hyunjin and Chan hyungs laugh at his reaction, I couldn't help but chuckle at their silly giggles. I could see Changbin admiring me from aside, I walk away to give Han's his tea when Jeongin enters the bakery and runs straight to Chan with a little upside down on his face( like this 🙁). He goes up to him and sits on his lap then wraps his arms around his neck. His head was placed on Chan's neck where you can't see his face.

Chan POV

Jeongin came running to me while sitting on my lap hugging me with his head on my shoulder, I put one of my hands on his waist and the other on his head massaging his hair and scalp. All of them except Jeongin left the table, I didn't care they always left when me and Jeongin hung out, we were not dating but I can admit I have some feelings for him. I could feel his tears on my neck and raised his head up with my finger on his chin.

" What's wrong Innie" I say to him with a soft voice

He sniffs and pouts his lips

" My parents kicked me out" He says while breaking down

Oh gosh, I knew his parents were having trouble with him being gay but kicking him was unexpected.

" Say what you can live with me" I say

His eyes lit up, he hugged me so tight.

" Thank you Chanie hyung" He says with a bright smile

He gave me a kiss on the cheek, and gave me another smile followed by a kiss on the lips. He's so cute, I kissed him back and gave him my happiest smile showing my dimples. His smile makes me wanna kiss him all over his face.

-sorry for the late post, also I'll try my best to stick to the main ship-

-This took so long to write T-T-


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