Part 5<3

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Seungmin POV

Felix let Jeongin leave early because of personal issues, so I was left by myself which was my first time but it wasn't too hard. Yes I did have to put more effort in which I didn't like but there was no one to complain to, so no point of being all sulky.

Hyunjin and Felix left after Jeongin departed from his two man job together with me, along to with Changbin and the rest of them. I'm exhausted after working a five hour shift, when Jeongin is here I take constant breaks. But today I really don't feel like heading out to the studio but Minho is waiting for me so there's no point of trying ditch and say "I forgot" which, yes i've used that excuse countless of times of him.

" Aishh" I complain

The sunset isn't as pretty today, it's covers by the clouds. I close the cafe and carefully secure the keys in my little bag patch so I don't forget them. I walk down the Seoul City pathway to the studio, it's cold out good thing I brought my coat with me.

 I walk down the Seoul City pathway to the studio, it's cold out good thing I brought my coat with me

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(Seungmin outfit)

I finally reach the studio and enter the room to dancing Lee Know who's been working on the choreography of the song Sativa by Jhene Aiko, and Swae Lee( one of my favs on my Spotify playlist😚).

" Yah, where have you been!" Complained Minho

" I had to close the store today" I replied

He just rolled his eyes and continued.

I lay down on the mats( the ones they got at like gymnastics or sum)that are stacked together which are probably the same height of Minho.

" Hey! No slacking off, just because you got another job" Yells the cat male

" Well for you to know I am tired asf, and if I practice now I'll probably pass out, you don't what me to pass out do you?" I say while slowly closing my eyes

" I would rather you pass out" mumbles Minho

" what was that?" I say while raising one of my eyebrows

He just continues

I'm staring in complete darkness unable to move a single muscle.

When I feel pain on my butt.

"Yah! Wake up and go home!" Says the janitor

"Huh" I yelp from waking up from pain

He just walks away. I realize I'm still laying on the mats. Did Minho really leave without waking me up.

"Aishh screw you Lee Minho!" I mumble as I get off the mats

I reach my phone from my pocket and turn it on. 1:03am! Ugh I feel so groggy might as well just leave to work already.

Changbin POV

Chan, Jisung and me decided to go to the recording studio after the cafe. Chan left first to go take care of Jeongin and then Jisung. I was left by myself working on two new songs, I decided to work a little later than usual because I was in a focused mood.

I kept on pushing through the tiredness until I started dozing off and closing my eyes. It's best if I just leave now, so I turn off everything and locking the studio room door. As I was leaving from the entrance I spot a local food vendor they had fish cakes and rice cakes, I mean I don't mind eating right now.

On my way to the vendor I notice a tall figure in the distance. Do my eyes deceive or do I see my future wifey.

" Yah! Cafe boy" I yell waving him to come to me

- Sorry for not posting, trust there will be more. I'm posting another chapter after this so don't worry-


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