Part 12<3

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Minho POV

Han huh, he's really cute especially when he stuffs his cheeks with food. But then slightly taller male who not as buff as Changbin, shorter hair than Felix, and bigger hands than Jeongin.

 But then slightly taller male who not as buff as Changbin, shorter hair than Felix, and bigger hands than Jeongin

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"Channie" squeals the youngest while running up and hugging him

"My poookie wookie dookie bear" he says in the most innocently tone ever

My expression is full of disgust even I.N backs up and gives him glare as he returns back, he then comes over to our table.

"Nah, go find another table to sit, matter a fact get out of the store" Says Han

"Caught lacking, think you can get away with that" Says Hyunjin all of his respect thrown away

"That's crazy" I say in the background

Heads shaken left and right, really brought the atmosphere down.

"Anyways, Congrats to me and my lovely-ew rap buddies" He mumbles the last part a little

"Yo, you guys will be the first people who listen to the song right before it drops!" Says Changbin while being excited

"Woo" Says Hyunjin as excitingly as he can

"I can't wait to hear it hyung" Says Seungmin making Chan and Han relieved, Changbin is just sipping away on his americano

"Know what, let's go out tonight" Says Felix is he waves the customers goodbye because the store is almost about to close

"DRINKS ON ME" Says Jeongin with his little silly voice

We all cheer, maybe there not so bad.

Changbin's POV

Han and Minho have made somewhat small talks while at the table but the Minho just asks and a random question with the most weird topic ever "Being toeless or fingerless" of course in the end everyone joins and makes there own opinions, I'm on toeless, like you can't do anything without your fingers. Seungmin was staring in space thinking about something I don't really know what though. Lee know and Jisung seemed to team up perfectly and answering together with their hard opinions which are not easy to go against, but at the same time they did say they rather be fingerless so it means there both pabo's.

"I though the question was would you rather be a finger or toe" Says Seungmin while barely saying the end part with giggling which made the rest of table cackle and aw in shock of his hearing and interpretation of the question.

"Alright let's get going you guys!" Says Felix after getting the bakery set.


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