Part 13<3

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Seungmin's POV

Felix closed the shop while we waited outside, after he finished we decided to walk to the local restaurant nearby. Me and Changbin were talking about what we like to do and so on, I couldn't help but wonder what Minho was doing in the back, when I turned around I saw him talking with Han. Laughing and giggling.

"Look at those two" I said with teasing face

"Are they dating already?" Asks Changbin

"Maybe" Says Hyunjin from behind scaring both of us

"Wow.. Hannie hyung is no longer single..shocker" Says Felix walking with Hyunjin's hand around his shoulder

"We're here" Says Jeongin from the front

"Let's go!"

Han's POV

I was talking to Minho hyung the whole entire I didn't realize we were there, he's really funny and silly plus he's hot, really hot. We talked about our hobby like he likes to dance and I like to rap and sing and stuff. We also found out that we both own pets but he owns three, Soonie,Doongie,and Dori he showed me pictures of them just in case I get them mixed up, he really liked his cats.

"I could go for 김치찌개 (Kimchi Jigae) right now" I say

"Same" He says back

We walk in the restaurant and getting our own big table.

We walk in the restaurant and getting our own big table

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(I tried my best😭😭)

There's was no one else at the other table so we sat with Chan and Felix in two chairs while Hyunjin and Jeongin were opposite of them while Changbin and Seungmin were sitting in the chairs at the far left and me also Minho hyung were sitting next each other on the more comfy seats.

"Chan, can I get 김치찌개(Kimchi Jigae) with fried Chicken and 떡볶이(tteokbokki)" I say loud enough for him to hear

"Hyung what would you like?" I ask Minho hyung

"Hmm 김치찌개(Kimchi Jigae) with 김밥(Kimbap) and 볼고기(bulgogi)" He says

"Chan hyung, Minho hyung wants 김치찌개(Kimchi Jigae) with 김밥(Kimbap) and 볼고기(bulgogi)" I tell him

"Okay!" He says back

After we tell him what we what everyone else also tells Chan what they want making him write a list cause he's to old to remember all that. When the waiter come along he gives her our orders and tells us to wait for our food.

"Changbin, let's go to the gym tomorrow hm?" I say to him

"I have a feeling you'll get the worst hangover ever and you haven't worked since last year so stopped lying" he snaps back

"Hmp whatever" I say

"Jagi, your cute when you sulk" Says Minho hyung randomly making me blush

"Jagi..." Says Seungmin with eyes widen twinning Changbin but my full focus was on the person who called me cute

The Boy At The Bakery ~SeungBin~Where stories live. Discover now