Part 11<3

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Han's POV

After we got finished at studio Changbin asked to go to the cafe together and quickly accepted but Chan said he'll come later cause he still has to stuff to catch up on. So it's just me and Binnie.

"Kaja!" I yell while exiting the building with Changbin

We walk along the side walk bickering and chattering, mostly bickering but somehow we end up laughing in the end. Wow Hyung is something else I'm surprised Seungmin can calm him down with a simple action. I can't wait to tease both of them when we get there, which is what I thought but when I entered the bakery doors there awaits an excited puppy along with a furious cat.

There they were Seungmin chatting with the super fine Minho, the one from Seungmin dance studio.

"Hyung! What took you so long, come sit with Minho and I'll take your guys orders." Says Seungmin

"Ok" replies Changbin

I lightly hit Changbin, he lets out a squeal though.

"Omg,omg. There he is Minho oppa, yah he so handsome" I fangirl to Changbin loud enough that only he could hear

In exchange I get the most disrespectful side eye ever and end up side eyeing him back, we eventually sit down in our usual spot where the cat like male was.

"Hi" he says while smiling politely

Changbin says hi back but I just froze, HIS SMILE IS THE CUTEST.

"Yah, greet him back" Scolds Changbin while he slaps my shoulder to wake me up from my daydream

"H-hi" I some how get out of my mouth

"D-did you just s-stutter" Teases Changbin with a mimicking face on him

You can hear Minho chuckle in the background which got me a little nervous. But immediately comes my hero Minnie who saved the day by protecting all the innocent people from Changbin by attacking the back of his head making him pass out.

"Hey, I said to be nice" Scolds Seungmin while slapping the back head of Changbin

"Okay,okay sorry" Whines Changbin before grasping his hands around Seungmin's waist while sitting down and the other male standing up.

"Anyways, what do you guys want?" He asks but then a sudden commotion from the door enters the bakery leaving the loudest sigh ever from the exhausted puppy now.

"MUYAHOOOO" Yells Jeongin, which makes everyone I mean even random people in the cafe laugh

Arms up while running to Changbin who is accompanied by Hyunjin.

"Lee know?" Says hyunjin while staring at Minho hyung

"Hyunjin" He says back while blinking multiple times and then smiles

"Sexy dynamite Hwang?.." I also say

"Yah, who came up with that rap name" He snaps back aggressively

"I wonder" I reply while moving my head anywhere else but the tall male

Jeongin and Changbin were blabbering about something but then my eyes focused the finest, menacingness, magnificent human in front of me looking extra delicious.

Jeongin and Changbin were blabbering about something but then my eyes focused the finest, menacingness, magnificent human in front of me looking extra delicious

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(Basically Hans POV, just pretend the background is the bakery)

We make quick eye contact then look away at the same time, Hyunjin just stares there like we're crazy. Felix and Seungmin came back giving us our orders and fooling around with us , Lee know just small talks with Hyunjin and Seungmin and uh randomly Changbin, anyone but me...😖

"AUGHH" I let out a very uncomfortable, desperate scream

The table just stares at me while I smile back.

"Jisung, this a bakery not your house, there are people who come here to eat and talk not to listen to your unpleasant noises, what do you have to say, huh?" Says Changbin in like a half serious tone

I get up close to his face and let out a.

"MUYAHO" With my eyes lit up and my face silly enough to annoy anyone

"MUYAHOOO" Yells the rest of the table except Changbin, I.N being the loudest there even Minho hyung says it while chuckling.

"That's it I'm leaving" Says Changbin closes his eyes with a give up face

Seungmin rushed to his side and starts giving him a should massage

"It's okay your my precious muyaho" says Seungmin in his ear making him smile again

Of course I heard it, and just give them a little glance while I focus back on my man yes my man's.


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