Part 8<3

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Seungmin POV

The door opened to muscular Changbin with a towel covered around his waist and another one wrapped around his neck.

" Sorry!" I say as I bow quickly and skedaddle out of there

The whole entire time I thought was how I want touch his hard arms and abs. I finish up my little morning routine and leave the room when I see Changbin there with glasses, his hair down, and a compression shirt that shows his smexy figure on the couch watching tv. I go over and sit next to him with a pretty small distance.

After some time I put my head against his shoulder and wrapped my two arms around his one arm.

"Hyung" I say

"Yes" He replies

"Can we go to my dance studio together?" I ask

"Sure, Minnie" He replies making me blush

We sit there for a little while before we get up with us holding hands walking to the front door. He grabs his coat and puts it on along with his shoes, I also slide on my sneakers.

"Alright,Let's go" He says

I just smile at him and walk out the door he opened and closed on the way out. As we got outside on the side walk talking. I start shivering from the cold.

"Minnie, do you want my coat?" He asks

"No,no it's okay. You might get cold as well" I respond not wanting to worry him

He then grabs my wrist and pulls me next to him and puts his coat around me and him. I wrap my arms around his waist and start walking normally again.

 I wrap my arms around his waist and start walking normally again

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(This pose with the coat)

Changbin POV

We went past the closed bakery store with Seungmin wrapped around me, when loud, smiley squirrel comes out of nowhere.

" BINNIE! SEUNGMIN!" Yells Jisung

He really had to ruin it.

"Where y'all going?" He asks

"To my dance studio" Replies Seungmin

"Mind if I tag along, I'm really bored" He comments

"No-" I say but got cut off

"Sure hyung" Says Seungmin

And glance at him with "why" eyes. He mouths "Be nice" I just roll my eyes and smile at him after then my smile dropped when Jisung started talking about his obsession of rabbits and stuff.

-Short Chapter. It's like 2:30 in the morning so..-


The Boy At The Bakery ~SeungBin~Where stories live. Discover now