Part 10<3

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Changbin POV

I had my hands in my pocket while walking alongside of Jisung to the studio, when we finally got there Han ran straight to the couch and laid there. While I walked over next to Chan and sat on the chair just a few inches away from him.

 While I walked over next to Chan and sat on the chair just a few inches away from him

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(Basically what the studio room looks like)

"Alright, you guys ready to listen?" Asks Bangchan

Me and Han nod in return and the music starts playing.

It was the song that was sentimental and flirtatious something that Han came up with. Maybe he's in love? But whatever, Chan made sure to show to the boss,JYP before releasing it. Basically a couple days ago Chan told us they we would perform on stage with a couple of dancers like 2-3 people. Although we don't have all the information.

"Bro, this fire" I said

Han and me starts hyping it up as Chan nods his head to the beat.

Seungmin's POV

Me and Minho decided to go and eat out. We walked to the bakery because he reminded me I  had another job. The atmosphere was very quiet, so I decided to call Changbin Hyung.

                                                 -Hey, Minnie!-

-Can you come to the bakery?-    
                                            -Sure! Be there in 10-

Then I hung up on him.

"You really had to invite him" Says Minho in annoyance

"Don't worry your boyfriend is coming as well" I say right back with a smirk

He gives me a quick glare which means he about to kill me, so we end up running to the bakery.

The Boy At The Bakery ~SeungBin~Where stories live. Discover now