𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐤 (Vmin)

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Pink, his eyes were pink. His slender frame loomed over the cowering boy, mercilessly eyeing him from top to bottom.

"G-Go away--" The brunnette mumbled, rather petrified.

The pink haired beauty smirked in response, cherry colored, sinful plump lips stretching.

"You won't be wishing for that in a few minutes, darling~" He purred, silky voice making Taehyung stare do deeply into his eyes that he didn't notice the two hands sneakily tying his wrists together above his head.

When he snapped out of his daze he realised.

"Jimin..?" He called out meekly.

Jimin was leaning down, and when Taehyung tried to push him off well...it wasn't possible.

"Stop..what are you.."

As his ripped torso hovered over him threateningly, Taehyung widened his eyes in fear.

Lips grazed his own, making him jolt in alarm but he was firmly held down.

Jimin's hand slid up his shirt making him cry in protest but next minute his lips had met with another's.

Jimin's lips harshly moved on his own as he pushed his shirt further up, showcasing his slightly toned body.

Taehyung's eyes went wide as the needy hands of the pinkette's roamed over his bare skin.

When he carressed some of it Taehyung gasped, giving Jimin access to the inside of his mouth.


Tongue. He had slipped his tongue into the kiss.

Taehyung widened his eyes and struggled madly before he could melt into it.


He twitched as Jimin's tongue started moving in a very pleasurable way, his plumpy pink lips smooching his own.


His eyes automatically shut as Jimin's hand started moving around underneath his shirt. Carressing his skin sensually and sending shivers down his spine.

Like a sneaky predator he slowly started to grind on the boy's crotch, moving his lips in a rythmic pattern along with his hips, muscular thighs brushing over the poor boy's manhood on purpose making the boy jolt and cry out.

His hard packed abs would sloppily rub over it in a way that made his eyes reel back.

Taehyung groaned weakly as soon as he felt the friction on his manhood.

The door was locked, curtains closed, with the room being lit with red LED lights that gave a certain atmosphere to the room.

The kiss went on for minutes and Taehyung's movements had died down by now.

When the kiss parted Jimin observed Taehyung's face.

His eyes were screwed shut while his swollen lips were open, gasping in breaths.

Once he had recovered he started whimpering as Jimin started grinding on him harder, and faster.

"Ah~ Jimin- sto-AHH-JIMIN!!"

He threw his head back which gave Jimin access to his neck.

He suddenly shouted out in pain when Jimin bit his adam's apple, leaving marks.

Jimin growled dominantly, moving his hips even more faster, pressing harder which had Taehyung throwing his head back again, eyes rolling nearly to the back of his head.


Taehyung couldn't stop the embarassing noises from leaving his mouth. Tears of pleasure were dripping down his cheeks like his eyes were leaking faucets.

By now he had a hard on.

He recoiled in embarassment but his eyes were still reeling back from Jimin.

The latter smirks evilly.


He licked the tip of his thumb, where a drop of the brunette's slick had leaked, a blank expression taking over his face with his eyes darkening further.

"Your hips are shaking."

Jimin slipped his hand down Taehyung's pants.

Taehyung's eyes went wide as Jimin's hands started moving. Fast.


He shouted embarrassedly as he felt the large hand clench around his manhood, moving up and down.

Jimin smirked ravishingly, feeling as much excitement as Taehyung was feeling pleasure.

As Taehyung tried to fight, putting in all of the body strength he had in him, Jimin merely flicked his forehead, making him swagger back.

Jimin chuckled amusedly.

His surprisingly long fingers traveled down the back of Taehyung's waist.

Jimin smiled, darkly.

"Don't fret, sweets, i'm using my tongue."

Taehyung's eyes widened in horror.

His eyes went as wide as saucers in horror. And the worst part of it was that it felt 𝙜𝙤𝙤𝙙. Too good.

Jimin smiled, little too lovesickly down at him.

"I'm so excited to hear you scream out my name, Tae."

"I love you, okay?"

Taehyung threw his head back, moaning out loud as he felt something--

Even though the pink- haired boy looked so gentle, so innocent and feminine.

Soft facial features paired with his large doe eyes used to make Taehyung prone to his charm.

His omega pheromones used to be soft and shy, whether sad, angry, or happy, they would always be so mild.

But now..

Now his needy pheremones were raging. Scent clouding every corner of the room. Deliberately pointed right towards the poor beta Taehyung.

This is what made him incredibly weak.

His thighs were forcefully seperated and he groaned.

"Are you sure that you're a beta, Tae? You're so submissive.."

A dominant Omega and a submissive Beta..

Taehyung whimpered in responce. How were Jimin's pheremones so strong??

"Ah no-- stop it- AGHH-"

Drool was seeping down his chin and he was a crying mess as Jimin got his way with him, only, Taehyung seemed to be the only one recieving the pleasure while Jimin seemed satisfied with just watching the squirming sin below him.

As Taehyung arched his back again he vaguely noticed the sinfull glow-in the dark paintings on the walls.

Was this what Jimin was actually like??

His thoughts were cut off by his screaming out as Jimin shoved his mouth between his legs, sucking and licking at his rim ravenously.

"Stop thinking about other things while I'm here with you." He growled, shortly biting and sucking on Taehyung's inner thigh, which made the boy whimper.

"No- stop- don't do it there- ah!!-"

His eyes rolled back, as he cried out desperately.

He went weak in the demon's lusty touch.

"Aww, so cute."

Jimin smirked, before pushing his face back in between Taehyung's forcefully seperated legs.


More tears left the brunette as he screamed in pleasure.

"Delicious." He heard the predator growl


Jungkook + Jimin x Taehyung oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now