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Up until last summer my life was completely normal.

Well...maybe not completely normal.

But it was normal enough.

My name is Dipper Pines and in two day's I'll be finishing my first year of Highschool.  Although I definitely could skip a grade or two, I didn't want to leave my twin sister, Mabel Pines, behind.

Anyway, in three day's Mabel and I will be going back to Gravity Fall's to live with have down there.  Family is the only way to describe them.  I mean, even if we aren't blood related, it's a little hard to have over ten near death experiences with someone and not consider them family.  Besides, my parents aren't really around much anyway and we don't have any other family in California.  So Gravity Fall's is where my family lives.

But we'll be staying where we did last summer, in the attack of the Mystery Shack.  It was a tourist shop my uncle Stan had created in order to save money to keep my uncle Fords shack while he was in an alternate dimension.  Yeah, Gravity Fall's is pretty unusual.

Last summer my family and I went through a lot.  By a lot, I mean a lot of near death experiences.  The worst one was right before summer ended.  It's actually kind of a long story.  Basically, my uncle Ford made a deal with a dream demon named Bill Cipher a long time ago.  There was a time gap and the summer we were there Bill would not leave us alone.  At the end of the summer, he tricked my sister into giving him a time rift so him and his monster buddies could come and take over the earth.  It was a lot more traumatizing than I'm wording it.  But that wasn't the only time we dealt with him.

Like I mentioned, it was very traumatizing.  And Mabel and I knew not to talk about anything in California, because we would end up in a mental hospital somewhere.  So we had to process it all on our own. 

For Mabel, I knew it was difficult.  She blamed herself a lot for the whole thing by giving him the rift, causing him to actually be able to come into our world.  Although I assured her a lot that it wasn't her fault, deep down inside I knew I was lying to myself.  But I argued with that part of myself, and told myself that it was all Bills fault.

This past school year I've been really conflicted and scared.  What happened did cause Mabel and I to both have ptsd which only scared me even more.

I know it's my fault.  I put myself at the center of everything because I was curious.  I wanted to know more.  I'm a lot like my uncle Ford in that way.  I knew I should have just kept my head out of things.  I should have just worked in the gift shop and not asked questions and ignored anything weird just like everyone else in that small town.

That summer I did a lot.  I made a deal with Bill, resulting in him taking over my body and sort of making me a ghost.  It was petrifying.  Even though it was my whole family he was after, it always felt like he was just specifically going after me.

After that summer I went a little crazy.  I jumped at every unexpected noise, my heart would start racing at random times, I sometimes thought I would hear his voice in the back of my head, I had night terrors.  A lot of these things are still true.  Although now I'm on anti-depression medication so it's a little bit better.

I know Gravity Fall's is supposed to be a summer vacation type thing.  But to me it's not.  Gravity Fall's is my home, California is just where I go to school.

I can't wait to go back home.


Word Count: 670
Date Published: 5/7/23

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