Chapter eleven

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I felt my heart rate increase as I looked at the man in the doorway.  Everyone else seemed to still be confused.

He turned to look at me and we locked eyes.

"You done here?"  He asked me.  I looked to Ford and Mabel who were still confused, and then back at him and nodded.

"Great."  He smiled sarcastically and turned to Ford and laughed, "you've got some problems dude.  All he was doing was trying to protect you guy's."

He motioned for me to walk over to him and so I did.  I didn't know why I was now completely fine with going with him.

"Who even are you to talk to me like that?"  Ford demanded.

"You won't need any of that."  He motioned to my bag's so I put them down.  Again, I don't know why I was so trusting in him now.  But for some reason I was and it annoyed me.

"Hello?"  Ford asked, clearly annoyed now.  Bill turned back to look at him.

"Sixer you need to calm yourself down."  He said with an eye roll.

"Wait."  He still looked confused, but he was definitely figuring out that the man standing in the doorway of his house was Bill Cipher.

"Yeah, Bill Cipher, one and only, nice to meet you."  He said sarcastically.

"Stay away from my family.  How are you even-"  Bill cut Ford off.

"Didn't you just disown pinetree?"  He asked him.  "Pinetree is coming to live with me in my dimension and that's your fault."

"You can't be serious Dipper."  Mabel said, almost crying.  I look at her, confusion and annoyance swept threw me.

"So now it's Dipper?"  I asked her, "It's amazing that a demon that literally tried to kill all of us supports me more than my own twin sister." 

"Dipper I-"  Mabel began but Bill cut her off.

"You ready?"  He asked me.  I nodded and he grabbed my arm.

"I'm warning you Bill!"  Ford yelled.

"Later suckers!"  He laughed before he teleported us back to his dimension.


Word Count: 348
Date Published: 5/12/23

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