Chapter seven

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Mabel moved out of our room and was now staying in Wendy's room.

It had been two day's since everything happened.  The only person who has talked to me since then was Wendy.  She said she did support me but she really needed a job and a place to stay so she didn't want to cross my uncles.  I understood completely.

I wasn't sure what Soos was feeling about it.  I mean, I know he's supportive, but I think he just wants Stan's validation so he's pretending to be homophobic or whatever.  Again, I understood.

Stan didn't really seem mad or happy.  He hadn't talked to me, but he still made me breakfast and dinner and he didn't mind when I was in the room with him.  Unlike Ford who refused to look at me, talk to me, or be in the same room as me.  Mabel was talking to me a little bit but she was only being a bitch so I ignored her.

I hadn't heard anything from Bill, not that I cared or anything.  But I did want answers.  Why did he care if I stood up for myself or not?  Why was it me he was talking to?  Why would he tell me a way to protect my family if he told me to stand up to them?

I had a million questions and no answers for any of it.

I laid on my back on my bed and stared at the celling.  I closed my eyes and listened to the outside world.  It seemed so peaceful right now.  Like nothing in the world was wrong.

I drifted off to sleep and soon enough, I opened my eyes to see a familiar place.  Oddly enough, I was starting to find being here comforting.

This time when I got here Bill was already here.  He sort of smiled when he saw me.

"What am I doing here now?"  I asked him. 

"Would you rather be sitting in your bedroom looking at your celling?"  He asked me.  I think about it.

"Fair point."  I shrugged.

"You stood up for yourself.  Good job."  He congratulated me.

"Thanks."  I mumbled, "but it's not enough."

"You want something more drastic."  He guessed.  I hesitated, then shook my head.

"I don't know.  On one hand Mabel just completely ruined my life, on the other hand she's my twin, my best friend that I grew up with."

"So if she does anything more drastic?"  He asked me.

"You're trying to get in my head."  I stare at him. 

"I'm trying to help you, pinetree."  He said flatly.

"But why?"  I asked him, frustrated.  Not necessarily at him, just mad at the world.

"You'll find that out another time."  He said slowly.  I didn't know how to respond to that but he kept talking, "but how are you feeling after everything?"

I hesitated, "I'm scared."  I admitted.  I didn't know why I admitted it to him.  He's a demon who's tried to kill me.

"Naturally."  He shrugged.  "But they won't do anything to you, alright?  I'll make sure of it."

Bill's behavior had definitely confused me but I nodded anyway.  At this point I'm desperate for anyone to talk to me or even care about what I have to say, even if it's only the tiniest bit.

"Why do you care all the sudden?  I mean, last summer you were literally trying to kill me."  I asked him again, probably for the millionth time.  He chuckled a little bit before moving closer to me.  He was so close I could feel his breath even though his breaths were light.

"I told you, you'll figure that out later."  He repeated.  I look up at him.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You're smart.  Figure it out."  He shrugged.  I rolled my eyes.

"Don't you think I've tried?"  I asked him.  He chuckled again.

"Well you'll figure it out eventually.  Hopefully not too soon."

Before I knew it I woke up in my own bed.  Goddamnit.


Word Count: 677
Dare Published: 5/7/23

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