Chapter three

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I shook his hand firmly before waking up with Mabel standing over me.

I shot up, unable to process what just happened. I couldn't tell if it was a dream or if it was real. I'm pretty sure it was real because I could control myself as if it was actually happening.

"Dip, was it another nightmare?" Mabel asked me while sitting down on my bed. I hesitated but nodded.

"Yeah, yeah. A nightmare. I'm fine." I said quickly.

"Grunkel Stan is making pancakes for breakfast. Maybe get dressed and come downstairs?" She asked me. I nodded.

"Yeah I'll be down in a few minutes."

She smiled, satisfied with my answer before leaving the room again, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I let out a shallow breath and got out of bed.

I got dressed in a navy blue hoodie and brown jeans. I put my vans on and ran downstairs. I had a plan in my mind and although I didn't know if it would work, I also knew that I could at least try.

My family was in the living room, eating breakfast. I got my plate out of the kitchen and joined them. They were all talking about something so I was mostly zoned out thinking, until I heard Ford say Bill's name.

"We need a way to get into his dimension. Maybe, just maybe, if he's in his own dimension then we can kill him once and for all." He suggested to the group. Surprisingly, everyone was on board. That plan was stupid, there were so many things that could go wrong because it was so vage.

"But that would mean reopening the portal." I finished his thought for him.

"Dipper quit being a baby." Stan said to me. That might have seemed mean, but it's Stan, he's mean to everyone so I don't take it personally.

"Yeah Dip, what do you want to do? You're just being negative." Mabel said to me as she pored more syrup on her pancakes. Everyone agrees with her and I roll my eyes.

"I just think maybe, and hear me out on this, opening the portal again might just cause the apocalypse again." I said sarcastically. "I'm not trying to be negative, I'm trying to be realistic. And like I said last night, what if the power spike wasn't even from Bill? Or, what if you open the portal and the monsters are waiting for you? What if Bill is waiting for you to do that again? There's so many other variables for this. You all need to take a step back and think this through longer before you make a terrible mistake that you can't undo." I said while looking around the room. I could see that Ford was now thinking it over.

"You're right Dipper." He finally said. "We'll do more research before we do anything drastic. But, we will only do that if we all take precautions to protect ourselves, just in case it is Bill. He won't hesitate to kill us all." Ford said sternly.

"So if Bill is in anyway near us we have to tell each other, if anything weird happens we tell each other, deal everyone?" Ford added. Everyone agreed, apart from me. Ford looked at me, "Dipper?"

I nod, "deal." I say dully.

So just to summarize my summer so far, I've come back to Gravity Falls which is my home, I snapped and argued with the man I once idolized, I've had a dream or whatever it was with a dream demon who tried to kill me last summer, he gave me information that would save my family from death, we made a deal and I have no idea what I'll have to give him in return, I've convinced my family to not look and kill the dream demon because the dream demon told me to tell them not to, and I've now made a deal with my family that I would tell him if the dream demon is talking to me.

Oh yeah, and it's the fourth day of summer.


Word Count: 690
Date Published: 5/7/23

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