Chapter thirteen

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It had been a week since I had began living with Bill in his dimension.  And other than the interactions I've had with Bill, it was incredibly boring.

I didn't leave my room that much.  Bill mostly brought food in there for me so I didn't have to come face-to-face with anyone that had tried to kill me.  He was being very careful about making me upset or mad which I found weird.

I had mainly been reading and writing.  There wasn't much else to do. 

I didn't miss Ford or Mabel.  I kind of missed Stan and Wendy and Soos but that was pretty much it.

A lot of the time I felt numb.  I didn't know how I would get out of this whole situation or what was going to happen next but it scared me.

There was a knock on my door and I jumped and put my book down.  I should have known it was only Bill.

"Hey pinetree."  He greeted me with a smile as he walked in, shutting the door behind him.

"Hey."  I said shortly.  He sat down on my bed next to me.

"So I'm going to see my brothers today, I was wondering if you wanted to come with?"  He asked.

"Are they going to try to kill me?"  I asked him sarcastically.  He surprisingly laughed.

"No.  Their names are Kil and Will."  He informed me.  I nodded slowly.

"If you think it's a good idea."  I shrugged.

"Alright."  He said with a grin.  We both walk out of my bedroom, he was walking close to me.  I had noticed he did that any time I was out of the bedroom.

"So what are your brothers like?"  I asked him. 

"Well,"  he hesitated but continued, "Kil I guess is a lot like me.  Well how I used to be.  He has a really short temper but he's protective of people he cares about.  Will on the other hand is really sensitive but he's really nice, you'll like him."

"Do they know I'm even here?"  I asked him.  The thought of meeting someone that acted how Bill did a year ago terrified me.

"Yeah, of course.  Will was really excited to meet you."  He assured me.  "I think Kil was more surprised that you actually came here than anything."

"I think I'm surprised to."  I admitted.  I felt him grin next to me and he grabbed my arm, teleporting us to a different building.  I didn't know what the outside looked like but the inside looked a lot like a castle type of building with stone.

"Will?"  Bill called out, still not letting go of my arm.  I didn't say anything to him about it.

"Hey!"  A boy ran over to us.  I assumed he was younger than Bill since he was shorter.  He looked a lot like Bill but his hair was all light blue and he wore a normal outfit, a light blue sweater with white sleeves and black jeans and white sneakers.  He had blue eyes but other than that he pretty much had the same facial features and body structure as Bill.

"Hey!  You must be Dipper."  He smiled at me and held his hand out.  I hesitated but shook it with a smile.

"Yeah.  It's nice to meet you."  I said in reply.  He smiled more brightly if that was even possible and pulled his hand away.

"Same to you!"  He turned to Bill, "Kil is in the living area."

"Alright."  Bill said, still holding my arm. 

Will led us into the living area where a guy that was a little taller than Bill was leaning on the wall.

He pretty much looked the same as the two other boy's.  His facial features and body structure was the same but his eyes were a shade of red that scared me.  He wore a suit with a red tie and his hair was a mix of red and black.

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