Chapter one

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As Mabel and I approached the bus stop in Gravity Fall's I started to become very anxious.  I hadn't realized how much being back would trigger me until it was to late.  It seemed to also make Mabel nervous.

"Hey, it'll be fine."  I assured here.  She gave me a smile and nodded.

"Thanks dip."

I nod with a smile in return and go back to staring out the window. 

"So we're keeping our heads down this summer, right?"  She asked jokingly.  I laugh a little bit and look at her again.

"Yeah if that'll even be possible."  I shake my head with a smile. 

"Well at least we're friends with the monsters there now, well most of them anyway.  And Bill is dead so we won't have to worry about him either.  Maybe we can just have a nice summer away from home."  She said hopefully.  I nod and continue to smile at her enthusiasm.

The truth was, deep down I knew there was no way Bill was actually gone for good.  I mean, he's a dream demon.  He even said himself that he can't be killed.

I  felt my heart stop as the bus stopped.  Mabel and I looked out the window, only to see a bunch of people waiting there.

"It looks like half the town is out there!"  Mabel said as we walked down the aisle of the bus.  I nod in agreement.

"So much for keeping our heads down."  I muttered to myself as I gave the bus driver a tip.  Mabel let out a small laugh as we stepped off the bus and onto the pavement.

Before I knew what was going on I was being hugged by like ten different people.

There was a lot of people there. 

Stan, Ford, one of the girls I got really close to last summer named Wendy (don't get the wrong impression, she's older than I am), a guy named Soos who was a close friend we made last year that worked at the mystery shack (him and my uncles now share ownership of it), Mabels friends were there as well, including Pacifica Northwest.  There were also a lot of other people that I was surprised were there.

"Hey knuckleheads."  My uncle Stan finally greeted us with word's.

"Hi Grunkel Stan!"  Mabel replied with a big smile.

"Hey."  I said.  I still felt paranoid, like I was being watched.

As the big group of us walked back to town our uncles explained how they were throwing us a surprise welcome back party.  I was a Little caught off guard but Mabel seemed happy so I went with it.

We carried out bag's and Soos offered to roll our suitcases to the car.

Soos, Wendy, Stan, Ford, Mabel and I all got into Stans car.  Wendy volunteered to sit in the trunk.  Of course she did.

We all talked a lot on the way back to the mystery shack.  They explained how the party would be thrown in an hour so we could have some time to get settled in.  The party would end at seven.

We talked about Wendy's college she's been going to, Soos relationship with Melody (he told us Melody was visiting her family for the summer), we talked a little bit about the adventures Stan and Ford had been going on and how the Mystery Shack living situation would be.  They said that Mabel and I would be staying in the attic, Soos would be staying in the master bedroom, Wendy would take the smaller bedroom (she's been paying rent to live their since she didn't want to live with her family right now), Ford would be staying in his old bedroom, and Stan would be staying in the additional bedroom they had added to the house.

Once we got to the shack, they four of them helped bring our stuff up to the attic and then left us to settle in.

I took my old bed and put my stuff near it.  Mabel mimicked my actions with her own stuff.

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