Chapter ten

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I got out of bed and got myself ready for the day.  I wore a normal outfit, just a hoodie t-shirt and some jeans.  I wore my vans since it was the only pair of shoes I had.

I went downstairs and ate breakfast quickly.  Ford was sat in the living room, watching my every move.  I assumed that I was still being kicked out since Stan wasn't anywhere to be found.

I rinsed off my dishes and ran back up to the attic.  I grabbed my stuff and made sure I had everything.

It was around 10:34 now.  I decided I would leave at noon.  Like I told Bill, I didn't know where I was going to go.  I was kind of praying that Bill was only joking when he said I was going to live with him, but I knew by the expression on his face it was a low chance of that being a joke.

I didn't know what to do until then so I just laid on my bed and decided to start reading one of the books I had brought with me.  It was an interesting book but I had only read it once.

I got about seven pages into the book when there was a knock on my door.  My heart dropped, then I figured it was probably just Stan.

"Come in?"  I half asked.  The door opened, revealing Mabel.

I shut my book and got up, walking over to her.

"What do you want."  I demanded.  She giggled.

"Ford said you have to be out of the shack by dinner."  She flipped her hair behind her shoulder and I rolled my eyes.

"You know you have a lot of nerve talking to me."  I shove her backwards, not enough to push her to the ground though.

"I can talk to whoever I want."  She rolled her eyes.

"What the hell happened to you?"  I said coldly, "why are you acting like this to me when all I've ever done for you is have your back."

"Do I need a reason?"  She asked, "you being a freak is reason enough."

"Mabel listen, I'm leaving today and It's your fault.  So next time you need help with something or need someone to talk to just know that I won't be here."  I slam the attic door shut before she could say anything else.

I went back and laid on my bed.  I started to feel numb again.  Where am I supposed to go?  What am I supposed to do? 

I heard footsteps leaving my bedroom door and I let out a breath.

I looked at the clock on my phone.  10:52.

I didn't know what to do now except look up places on Google of where to go.  I looked up some advice and tips on what to do if you become homeless. 

I didn't realize how fast time was going by until there was a knock on my door at 11:37.

"Come in."  I called out.  Stan walked in with a bag.  For the first time since last year when I told Mabel to shut down the portal, he looked sad, almost guilty.

"I couldn't get him to change his mind kid.  I'm sorry about that."  He said quietly while sitting down on my bed.  I shrugged.

"It's okay uncle Stan."  I assured him.  He silently handed me the bag and I took it and began looking through it.  There were some things of food and money.

"I know it's not much.  But I did buy you a bus ticket to California, in case you do want to go back."  He handed me a piece of paper and sure enough, it was a bus ticket back to my hometown.

"Thanks, I'm not sure if I want to go back just yet though."  I admitted.  He nodded.

"When are you leaving?"  He asked sadly.  I looked at the time on my phone.  11:43.

"At noon."  I sighed.  "I'm kind of happy to be leaving Mabel and Ford though."

He nodded, "call me if you ever need anything, alright kid?" 

I nodded and he sighed and scratched the back of his head.

"Also, Ford said he wanted to talk to you before you left."  He said quietly.  I nodded.

"Alright.  Let's go then."  I said, now completely annoyed by all of this.  I mean, I understand if people aren't supportive or whatever, but this just seemed over the top.

We walked down to the living room where Ford and Mabel were waiting.  Ford stood in the center of the room with his arms crossed and Mabel stood behind him with a smirk across her face.  I wasn't sure where Wendy or Soos were but I didn't really have time to think about it before Ford started talking.

"So you are leaving before tonight."  He gestured to the backpack that was on my back and the bag I was holding from Stan.  I nod in a sarcastic type of way.

"Yep.  That's what you said." 

"Don't use that attitude with me."  He snapped.  I merely rolled my eyes.

"What did you want to tell me."  I said, cutting to the chase.

"If you decide to ever be normal again then I'll let you live under my roof."  He said firmly.  I scoffed.

"Don't you think that I want to be normal?  Why would I do any of this if I could just avoid being different."  I snapped at him.  I could tell he was thinking about it but he shook his head.

"Because you want to be dramatic."  He replied.  "Also, you owe your sister an apology for slamming the door in her face earlier."  He said while pointing back to Mabel.  I swear I laughed at him.

"Slamming the door in her face is a lot better than what I should have done."  I threatened, "believe me.  And besides she's the one who should be apologizing to me.  But no, she doesn't do anything wrong now because she's perfect and I'm a freak right?"  I snapped at him.

"Nobody said Mabel was perfect."  He said coldly, "and all she did was tell the truth, why should she have to apologize for that?"

"There's a difference between telling the truth, and going out of your way to tell people the truth when you didn't need to."  I told him. 

"There's no difference.  She did tell people the truth."

"Yeah Maddy, and it's not that big of a deal anyway.  I mean, I thought it would push you to be my normal sister again."  Mabel flipped her hair behind her ears and I rolled my eyes.

"See?  There you go again, making everything about yourself.  Gravity Fall's was my safe space Mabel, and you completely ruined that for me because you wanted me to be a normal sister?  Well I'm sorry if I've ruined your expectations, but your stupid plan didn't seem to work now did it?"  I snapped at her as well.  She was silent after that so Ford jumped in again.

"Don't talk to her like that.  All she did was try to help you Madison!"  He yelled at me.

"For the last time, don't call me that!"  I yelled back at him.

He was about to say something else when there was a knock on the door.  We all looked at each other, completely confused.

Stan opened the door and we all watched.

"Hey Pines, long time no see."


Word Count: 1,257
Dats Published: 5/12/23

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