Chapter four

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Surprisingly, the next four day's were very calm. I savored every minute because it's very rare to have day's like that in Gravity Fall's.

Soos, Wendy, and Stan had been working in the gift shop so they weren't around that much, Mabel was mostly out with her friends doing stuff around the town, and Ford had been in the basement doing research. So I was left alone for four day's. Although I felt numb through most of it, I was also thankful that my family seemed to be doing well. I began to think about what would be going on right now if Bill hadn't warned me about rebuilding the portal. Then I began thinking about what Bill would want in return. I hadn't heard from him since that one night which sort of began to confuse me. I debated a lot on if it was a dream or not. I know it wasn't but it was still weird.

I laid on my bed on my back so I could look at the celling and think. I had been doing a lot of that in the past four day's. I had been trying to find a way to make sense of everything that had been going on.

It was until the door slammed open that I jumped up. I sighed when I just saw Mabel's friends.

"Jesus Mabel." I mumbled.

"Sorry Dip. My friends wanted to have a movie night at Pacificas house so I'm just here to pack a bag." She apologized and grabbed her backpack.

"Hey Dipper." Pacifica tucked her light blond hair behind her ear and I look away from the celling to look at the group of girls.

"Hi." I replied shortly.

Now, I don't have a problem with her. I mean, I used to. But I don't know. It's just a little bit awkward between us because I know now that she has a crush on me. I hadn't really ever liked anyone before. I mean, I guess I liked Wendy, but it was more like obsession and idolization.

"Do you want to come over tonight? It's going to be a lot of fun." She tried to encourage me.

Did I want to go? No. Would I feel bad if I didn't go? Yes.

"Yeah dip, you should come!" Mabel shoved some pajamas into her bag.

"We're going to play board games and do our makeup." Candy added. Candy and I kind of have a history I guess you could say. She's pretty cool though so thing's weren't to awkward between us.

"And talk about boy's!" Grenda added. Her voice was very loud and deep so it was clear to see.

Now, I'm not trying to be rude when I say this; but I would rather be in the apocalypse again rather than go to a girls sleepover. Especially if they were doing makeup and nails. I'm not sure how I would feel if they did that to me and honestly I didn't want to find out either.

"It'll be fun Dip!" Mabel promised. I sighed.

"Fine." I reluctantly agreed. The four girl's cheered and I cringed.

I didn't bother to pack anything, I would just come right back here in the morning anyway.

The five of us leave the shack and go to Pacificas mansion. Apparently they had bought another one. I wasn't sure how and I didn't bother to ask why.

We all walked inside and I was informed that Pacificas parents wouldn't be home for the night. Great.

We went to Pacificas bedroom so everyone could put their stuff down and then Pacifica gave us a tour.

I had to admit, I was a little jealous. The mansion was really nice. They had a lot of different rooms that I would never expect to see in a house, a gym, a movie theater, a pool room, six offices, game room, sunroom, wine cellar, a salon, they even had a ballroom.

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